...How can the PRECEDE-PROCEED model be used to design an educational program that addresses health promotion for families with school –aged children? In order to address these needs a health education and promotion plan will be created using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model provides a comprehensive structure of assessing health and quality of life needs and for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) outlines a diagnostic planning process to assist in the development of targeted and focused public health programs. PROCEED (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development) guides the implementation and evaluation of the programs designed using PROCEED. The epidemiology assessment is the second phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED process. In this phase, planners use data to identify and rank the health concerns or problems which may be detrimental to the quality of life. Ranking of health concerns is a critical process for planners, due to lack of resources to deal with all multiple problems a community may face. In this phase teen pregnancy is the concern. Adolescent pregnancy is a continual health and social problem. The national teen birth rate was 40.4 births per 1000 female, 15-19 years old in 2005 (Dept.of Health). Teen pregnancy in the USA cost...
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...The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure that helps health program planners, policy makers, and evaluators analyze situations and design an efficient health promotion and public health program. PRECEED is an acronym for (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) while PROCEED stands for (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development) The model has been used for planning, designing, implementing and evaluating programs for diverse health, quality of life and health need issues. These include screening and education for certain cancers, heart disease/health, maternal and child health, obesity and weight control, tobacco use, alcohol and drug abuse, policy for health education and training for health professionals. The PRECEDE-PROCEED function is a continuous cycle and one of its main purposes is to direct initial attention to outcomes rather than inputs. Hence this model is very valuable in designing an educational program that addresses health promotion for families with school-age children. The model is composed altogether of nine phases. The first stage in the program planning phase deals with identifying and evaluating the social problems that have an impact on the quality of life of a population of interest. Once a problem is identified that impacts the quality of life for a family with school-age children, the program planners try to gain an understanding...
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...The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a medical model that moves away from the typical issue of disease treatment and focuses on health promotion. Developed by Lawrence W. Green, this model has been applied in many Western countries in the improvement of health. PRECEDE (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) is the part of the model that helps in the development of various public health initiatives and programs. PROCEED (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development), on the other hand, serves as a guide to the effective implementation of the various programs that are created using PRECEDE. With regards to using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in designing an educational program aimed at promoting health for families with school-aged children, the nine phases of the model will be used to produce outstanding results. The first phase is the social assessment phase, where the current social habits and practices of families with school-aged children is evaluated. This assessment helps determine what the existing health practices are, the current quality of life, and the health needs of these families. The second phase involves the epidemiological assessment. According to Webster’s Dictionary, epidemiology is “that branch of medicine which studies the incidence and distribution of disease in a population, and uses such information to find the causes, modes of transmission, and methods for control...
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...that examines how a phenomenon works. The article is written by Goode that uses the phases of the Precede-Proceed Mode, which behavioral specialists can use as a theoretical framework to help students reduce their risk of depression, stress levels, and anxiety. The Precede-Proceed Mode has eight phases, which includes four plannings phases, one implementation phase, and finally three evaluation phases. Goode had evaluated each phase of the Precede-Proceed Mode. First, Goode introduce phase one of the Precede-Proceed Mode troubling group of university students, who admitted to have major mental health problems. The next step, after Goode introduced phase one, talks about the university students’ communication skills with their school counseling services. Goode has stated that there are many resource thought universities that can help a student during hard times, such as counseling services, support groups, joining a club, and peer to peer connections. Then Goode introduces phase two of the Precede-Proceed Mode, which she stated, “Columbia last year reported a 40 percent increase in the use of the counseling center since the 1994-95 academic year and has nearly doubled its staff, extended its hours and set up offices in dormitories.” Goode had mentioned the benefits for each source of the treatments, which is always good for a student...
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...The value-expectancy theory posits that expectations, as well as beliefs and values influence behavior. This concept is helpful because it explains why individuals choose a particular behavioral option over another. If public health professionals understand the motives underlying a specific behavior, they can develop tailored interventions that are more effective at influencing behavioral change. 5. Another model we talked about was Precede/Proceed. Thinking about this model, please answer the following questions: a. How is this model unique from the other models we have discussed so far? (2 pts) The Precede/Proceed Model is different because it is a model, not a theory. Theories seek to explain and predict behavior whereas models serve as a framework within which individual/community theories can be utilized for program development, implementation and evaluation. The Precede component of the model allows for a comprehensive health assessment. The Proceed component of the model uses the assessment to develop an intervention that is tailored to and addresses the identified needs of the target population. b. Briefly list what types of information you would look for in each of the following assessment/diagnosis phases (8 pts): i....
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...talked about sometimes, but this movie shows it all. I learned that people will do anything to survive, and that’s the truth of it. From the theory of Charles Darwin, it is the survival of the fittest. People lose their sense of humanity and turn into animals when there is a way to survive, or get the advantage for their own sake. There was a line in the movie that had the idea of “to pay a small amount of money to cheat death”, which meant the rich people have the upper hand at living because money is needed for health care and in the movie, the “insurance policies” which cost millions of dollars. A character that I find very interesting is Dr. Merrick because he was the starter of the insurance group. To Jean Paul Sartre, “Existence precedes essence”, and to me, that is the whole objective of Dr. Merrick and that is to try to give essence to the life of each “product”, but in the wrong way. He plays God in the movie and gives life, gives death and prolongs lives of other people who have the money to pay, of course. Clones are started off as full grown adults who have an actual mental age of a baby, like in real life if we apply Sartre’s ethics, the clone or “adult baby” would not have any essence in his life until his client needs something from them, but instead of telling them that their purpose is to become an extra pair of kidneys, each product has another clone, which they put into some sort of machine that gives them all dreams. Dreams that make them think that they...
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....PRECEDE-PROCEED is community-based and participatory, founded on the premise that changes promoting health (and other community issues) are largely voluntary, and therefore need the participation of those needing to change and others who might influence them or be influenced by them. PRECEDE is the diagnostic portion of the model. It starts with the idea that the focus of change must be on its desired outcome, and works backward from that outcome to construct an intervention that will bring it about. It has four phases: Phase 1: Social diagnosis – determine what the community wants and needs to improve its quality of life. Phase 2: Epidemiological diagnosis – determine the health problems or other issues that affect the community’s quality of life. Include also the behavioral and environmental factors that must change in order to address these problems or issues. Behavioral factors include patterns of behavior that constitute lifestyles. In considering environmental factors, you should include the physical, social, political, and economic environments. Phases 1 and 2 identify the goals of the intervention. Phase 3: Educational and organizational diagnosis – determine what to do in order to change the behavioral and environmental factors in Phase 3, taking into account predisposing factors (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, and confidence); enabling factors (availability of resources, accessibility of services, government laws and policies, issue-related skills)...
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...organisation) and the Financial Action Task Force (‘FATF’) (an independent inter-governmental body that develops and promotes policies to protect the global financial system against money laundering and terrorist financing). Indeed TI has suggested that, ”Vulnerabilities in the sector's financing and due diligence practices, culture and structure are seen…as creating an environment conducive to money laundering by organised crime.“ The concerns have been compounded by two recent high profile cases in the UK then this makes it a good time to analyse this ever present threat. What is money laundering and why is football a target? Money laundering is the process by which proceeds of crime (so called "dirty money" or “criminal property”) are changed so that the proceeds appear to have come from a legitimate source. The proceeds of crime is money, or other assets, that have been acquired or generated through criminal activities in the UK or abroad. There are three main areas of vulnerability in the football sector which can be identified: The sector’s structure – market is easy to penetrate due to low barriers to entry; the sector is complex and characterised by opaque networks of stakeholders and interdependence between the different actors; management lacks professionalism; diversity of legal structures; The sector’s finances – sector deals with large cash flows and large financial interests; irrational character of the sums involved and unpredictability...
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...How can the PRECEDE-PROCEED model be used to design an educational program that addresses health promotion for families with school-aged children? The precede-proceed model can be used to design an educational program for school age children as it helps the health program planners analyze health needs for families with school age children. At this point a program can be designed for its target audience. The model allows health programs to be designed efficiently by providing a framework to reduce the process. An essential hypothesis of the model is the active involvement of its target audience, which in this case are families with school-aged children. The participants take an active roll in defining their own issues, creating their own ideas with guidance, and then creating lasting results. As the process continues the precede-proceed model reevaluates and changes can be made as necessary to stay on target. The model also evolves as changes are made in the target group. There are five assessment types: Social, Epidemiologic, Behavioral/Environmental, Educational/organizational and Administrative/policy. The model uses the framework that is influenced by both individual and environmental factors. It’s two distinct parts are educational diagnosis which is the PRECEDE part and stands for: Predisposing (i.e., beliefs/attitudes, knowledge) Reinforcing (continual reward) Enabling Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development (i.e., facilitators) Assessment portion...
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... Marshall Krueter 2. ORIGIN:Approximate years of origin 1968 - 1974 for PRECEDE, late 1980s for PROCEED. 3. PURPOSE OF MODEL The PRECEDE model is a framework for the process of systematic development and evaluation of health education programs. An underlying premise of this model is that health education is dependent on voluntary cooperation and participation of the client in a process which allows personal determination of behavioral practices; and that the degree of change in knowledge and health practice is directly related to the degree of active participation of the client. Therefore, in this model, appropriate health education is considered to be the intervention (treatment) for a properly diagnosed problem in a target population. This model is multidimensional, founded in the social/behavioral sciences, epidemiology, administration and education. As such, it recognizes that health and health behaviors have multiple causations which must be evaluated in order to assure appropriate intervention. The comprehensive nature of PRECEDE allows for application in a variety of settings such as school health education, patient education, community health education, and direct patient care settings. PROCEED was added to the model in the late 1980s based on L. Green's experience with Marshall Krueter in various positions with the federal government and the Kaiser Family Foundation. PROCEED was added to the framework in recognition of the emergence of and need for health...
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...The PRECEDE-PROCEED model provides a comprehensive structure for assessing health and quality-of-life needs and for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) outlines a diagnostic planning process to assist in the development of targeted and focused public health programs. PROCEED (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development) guides the implementation and evaluation of the programs designed using PROCEED.” (http://www.answers.com) One of the major causes of health related deaths in America today is cardiovascular disease. We live in a society where the majority of the families have parents working full time jobs in order to make ends meet. Parents don’t have time to cook healthy meals and fast food, in a majority of cases, is the answer for quick meals. Because of these factors School Age children often have a poor diet; consumption of soda, candy and fast food is the diet of choice. School Age children are spending more time in front of TV, computers or gaming devices than ever before. Combinations of poor diet and lack of activity is a major factor in childhood obesity. Childhood obesity will be presented as a topic and we will assess the need for this issue in the community. By discussing this topic it will help in the reduction of childhood obesity...
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...The PRECEDE-PROCEED model provides a comprehensive structure of assessing health and quality of life needs and for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE: (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) outlines a diagnostic planning process to assist in the development of targeted and focused public health programs. It has four phases * Phase 1: Social Diagnosis- Identifying the ultimate desired result. * Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Diagnosis- Identifying and setting priorities among health or community issues and their behavioral and environmental determinants that stand in the way of achieving that result, or conditions that have to be attained to achieve that result; and identifying the behaviors, lifestyles, and/or environmental factors that affect those issues or conditions. * Phase 3: Educational and Ecological Diagnosis- Identifying the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that can affect the behaviors, attitudes, and environmental factors given priority in Phase 2. * Phase 4: Administrative and Policy Diagnosis- Identifying the administrative and policy factors that influence what can be implemented. PROCEED: (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development) guides the implementation and evaluation of the programs designed using PROCEED. It...
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...cervical cancer than the white women population (Hislop et al, 2003). This study discusses the Cervical Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) that was first established in British Columbia. Although the program has been effective, there continues to be more than 1.3 million women that have not been recently screened (Hislop et al, 2003). The importance of the study was trying to determine facilitators and barriers among the Chinese population and use the information to improve the program and continue education about Pap testing that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the Chinese community (Hislop et al, 2003). The Precede-Proceed model was used to determine predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors by comparing women who had never had a pap test in relation to women who had, but not within the last 2 years. The Precede-Proceed model was the conceptual framework used for development and analysis of the survey questionnaire and interviews. There are 10 steps in the model. The first five deal with defining and analyzing the problem and establishing the objectives and the last 5 involve implementation/ follow-up and evaluation (Hislop et al, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2003, 2011). First a Community Advisory Committee was established consisting of 6 people from various clinic organizations along with 2 family physicians who informed the Chinese Community through various media platforms about the study. Second a survey questionnaire and interviews...
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...Addressing Healthy Foods and Nutritional Education with Cleveland's Youth Brenda McLelland Capella University MSN 6012 Unit 8: Designing Health Promotion Programs September, 2015 Abstract Concerns about addressing the nutritional health of Cleveland’s impoverished children continue to plague the Cleveland community. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2013, Cleveland has the third largest child poverty rate among the top cities in the United States ("Hunger Facts," 2013). Insufficient resources to provide adequate food and lack of proper nutritional education for these children has a dramatic effect on the health and well-being for this vulnerable group. Not only does poverty have a direct relationship to negative child outcomes, but nutritional intake and education, as well. This article will focus on a theory-based health care promotion plan that will address the poor, school-age children living in Cleveland. Strategies will be identified in promoting nutritional education to improve healthy eating for these children in an attempt to improve the health and wellness for this vulnerable group. Guidelines for quality monitoring, evaluating, and adaptations of this health promotion plan will also be discussed so that it can be used across various health care settings. Implementing a health promotion plan that incorporates appropriate theory, research-based interventions, evaluative measures, and quality improvement metrics is pivotal if the health care professional...
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...perceived through the lens of an outsider gives insight to the subject and importance of culture. PRECEDE stands for Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational/Environmental Diagnosis and Evaluation. As its name implies, it represents the process that precedes, or leads up to, an intervention. PROCEED spells out Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development, and, true to its name as well, describes how to proceed with the intervention itself. The PRECEDE- PROCEED model is important in health promotion and disease prevention intervention. It is a program planning model with 5 phases in PRECEDE and 4 phases in the PROCEED. It helps in designing objectives, interventions, implementing and evaluating programs. The social diagnosis phase involves asking target population questions about their wants and needs as well as their assets. The epidemiological phase involves the collection of relevant data. Behavioral and environmental diagnosis involves identifying behavioral and environmental factors that influence health, and educational and organizational diagnosis identifies supports and barriers to making the change to behavioral and environmental factors. The last administrative and policy diagnosis phase of PRECEDE checks the feasibility and resources available before proceeding to implementation phase of PROCEED. Phase 7, 8, 9, are the process, impact and outcome evaluation respectively. The model prevents wasting...
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