Health promotion is defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health (World Health Organization). Health promotion focuses on helping individuals, families, and communities develop the competence and capabilities they required to gain control over day to day life event and circumstances. The Historical view of health promotion is focus on the prevention of disease through the public health movement. The success of historical health promotion then was measured by the eradication of, or inoculation for, contagious and debilitating disease. Thus polio and small pox are now read about in our history books. The health care promotion was focused on improving the ecological condition of people.
History view of health promotion also shows that for the American health system curative system of diseases was mostly in the tertiary level of treatment. The contemporary health promotion encompasses strategies that allow populations to be healthy and enable them to make healthy choices. It is carried out by and with people, not on or to people. The contemporary view is mainly for the prevention of chronic illnesses across the life span. Presently the disease that were formerly associated with adulthood such as diabetes are being diagnosed in adolescents and young adults, The contemporary or modern view of health is prevention of occurrence of disease and promotion of health education with the collaboration of related organization, political, and economic changes aimed at improving health (Hooyman and Kyak,1999).
The shifting problem is the contemporary view of health promotion today. Current information regarding environmental pollution is complex and causing increasing hazardous problem, disease related to industries and technology, including asthma and trauma, are some of the problem of this view that need to be address using health