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Preparation for the World of Work


Submitted By lilmeme0978
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Preparation for the World of Work
As a college student it is very important that we utilize our time wisely to prepare ourselves for the world of work. With little or no preparation at all, it is very likely that failure will come sooner or later in some form. There are many small things you could do now to make sure when the time comes you are more than prepared. Watch your dress code. Sometimes, most fashionable isn’t always the way to go. Certain fads are not business appropriate, and some clients and managers find some styles offensive and distracting. Business casual should always be the style of choice concerning the world of work. The same goes for hairstyles. We all know that sometimes females more so than men like to dye their hair different colors. This is fine; just try to go with natural like colors. Hair color can also be a distraction. Always turn your phone off during important meetings and such. If you are expecting an important call, by all means leave your phone on silent NOT vibrate. This way you will be able to see the missed call and return it at an appropriate time. The “vibrate” option is never a smart decision for meetings. We all can clearly hear someone’s phone vigorously vibrating in one’s pocket or suitcase and it’s just as distracting as the phone actually ringing.
Don’t over multi task. Taking on too many things at once means something is definitely going to get overlooked. It is easy to skip past important detail when trying to do too many things at once. As long as you approach your work in a timely and orderly fashion there is no need to over multi task.
Practice making and editing cover letters and resumes. Also you could do mock interviews with your peers or teachers or counselors so when the time comes you are more than ready!

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