Premium Essay



Submitted By tigerhunt1990
Words 1419
Pages 6

Mutiara Beach Resort Penang heralds a new standard for Asian resort hotels. Located on a prime beachfront at Teluk Bahang, otherwise known as the 'glowing bay', it nestles in 7.3 hectares (18 acres) of landscaped tropical greenery. All 438 of its spacious rooms enjoy sea and garden views. Here in this paradise of comfort and luxury, it has been claimed that nothing is unusual.

The name Mutiara means 'pearl' and is also a term of endearment in the Malay language. A perfect description for an extraordinary resort with a lively Malaysian personality.

Penang Mutiara is one the luxurious hotels in South-East Asia. Owned by Pernas-OUE of Malaysia and managed by Singapore Mandarin International Hotels.Penang Mutiara wants to give to its customer the quality of service. And it also wants to give everything what its guests’ wants and needs.

Penang Mutiara’s objectives are to give fast response to every customer request (SPEED), to keep its promise to be of service to their guests (DEPENDABILITY), and to be flexible to every guest request. The hotel believes that it is the impeccable customer service they are giving to their guests which gives them competitive advantage.

The hotel is very careful never to compromise the quality of its service in order to cut costs. Good service means that guest s return again and again. The more guests, the higher utilization of rooms and restaurants, so in the end, it’s the quality of our service which keeps the hotel’s volume high and costs low.


How to improve the operations and sustain the competitiveness of Penang Mutiara as a leading hotel in Southeast Asia.


1. To be able to identify new operation strategies for Penang Mutiara to continuously give its guests the quality hotel service.
2. To be able to identify areas in operations wherein

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