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Pretrial Criminal Justice System Analysis

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The criminal justice system is mixture of local, state, and federal laws that together simulate too many ways to enter the system but very few exits. When we have minorities enter the system after being arrested the pretrial policies that come about can take a toll on the lives of these individuals. For instance, there have been people who have died in jail because they are unable to post bail. Reiterating, a majority of these cases are non-violent crimes, misdemeanors, which should not hold people in jail because they are unable to pay. The outcome of the pretrial criminal justice system is designed in a way that horrifically modifies the lives of un-convicted people. If we really dig deep we will find that many of these jail bookings are …show more content…
As mentioned in the article, Exploring the Relationship Between Time in Pretrial Detention and Four Outcomes, “studies show that pretrial detention makes otherwise low-risk defendants more likely to commit new crimes and less likely to appear in court”(Holsinger, 2016). Pretrial detention could possibly give a person a higher possibility to be sentenced to jail or prison for a much longer period which then leads to the more complex issue of mass incarceration. However, such tragedies are more likely to occur to blacks and Latinos than white defendants even if they are experiencing the same charges. Let’s focus on jail deaths and racial disparities due to the bail system. Jail deaths have been highly prevalent among the poor defendants who are awaiting trial or serving short sentences for misdemeanor offenses. The complex issue jails face is having people in their custody many of which stay in jail because the bail system mandates them to pay to get out of jail while awaiting their day in court and also because the bail system jails people who are legally innocent because again they can’t post bail. People who have died in jail are typically charged with things like drug possession, traffic violations, or probation violations which in fact these charges alone would not have driven people to prison. Bail amounts

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