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Pro Abortion Persuasive Essay

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Did you know that according to the CDC since 1973 there have been a total 58,586,256, legal and documented abortions. Thats doctors who could find the cure for cancer. That’s 58,586,256 lawyers who could stop innocent people going to prison over something they didn’t do. That’s 58,586,256 teachers who could be teaching the generation that will determine whether we connect and survive as humans, and that’s only documented ones there have been millions more of undocumented abortions across the world. Abortion is wrong and should not be allowed because abortion is killing living babies, killing people who could potentially find the cure for something that was once thought to be incurable, solve world hunger, or just make the world a better place . Abortion …show more content…
At every moment of development there is a living human being in the womb, with it’s own special traits,DNA, and a future. Even after the abortion there is still negative effects on the mother that can last her whole life. People seem to think that after an abortion things will get better, but in most scenarios this is not the case and is almost the exact opposite. Many women after they have an abortion have some sort of regret or trauma that goes with it. According to in a study of women after they have had abortions around 44% of them developed or complained of a nervous disorder related to the abortion. A total of around 35% of women experience some sort of sleep, disorder, nervous disorder, or regret related to the abortion around 8 weeks after. Not only is abortion wrong because it’s murder it also affects the mother emotionally and can last years of their life. Abortion can also affect the mother's health in future births. According to a study in 2003 done by the International Journal of Epidemiology, "Induced abortion by vacuum aspiration is associated with an increased risk of first-trimester miscarriage in the subsequent

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