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Tom Hank Research Paper

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Amazing life of Tom Hanks.
Even though Tom Hanks had a rough life growing up, and even though he didn’t have an acting career until after college, he still managed to become one of the greatest actors of all time. Tom hanks had a rough life growing up, after his parents divorced he moved around a lot, and grew up in a crowded house. He started his career at a community play, and did so good that he was invited to go to Chicago to keep acting; from there his entire life was changing. Throughout his acting career he has earned himself a lot of acting awards, from great movies like “Forrest Gump”, and “Saving Private Ryan”. Tom Hanks has 4 children with 2 women; he has married twice and is now married to Rita Wilson. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”
Early life …show more content…
Tom was raised by Amos Hanks, and Janet Hanks, a hospital worker. Tom Hanks had a tough childhood growing up, his parents divorced when he was the age of 5, and his dad took him and 3 other siblings with him. Tom traveled around, and went to many different schools, he always had to make new friends, and when he finally did make new friends, he moved again. He graduated high school, and not knowing what to do with his life he went to college. He went to 3 different colleges, Skyline Community College, Chabot College, and California State University. There he found a growing love for acting, so he decided to try and join a community play, and he did so well in the play that the owner invited him to go to Chicago. From that day forward his life was changing

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