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Personal Statement: Toll Gate High School

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I do not believe that my application would be complete if I did not express how much effort I have put in to try to make Toll Gate High School a wholesome environment for all students. Throughout my high school career, whether it be with regard to academics or sports, I have worked tirelessly to push myself and others to be the best that they could possibly be. I believe that I would be a great fit for your university because I have a strong desire to lead. During my time at Toll Gate High School, I have always been respected by others for my desire to improve the environment of the school. For example, when I came into Toll Gate, I wanted to play football in order to excel in areas for which I was unfamiliar. Despite knowing that Toll Gate had consistently been a losing team, I was, …show more content…
As a freshman, there is only so much that one can do to try and lead his team. I helped people wherever I could, but as a young high school student, one’s input is not taken too seriously. Whether or not teammates listened to me, they respected me because of the hard work that I put in to make the team better. Each day I tried to be the first person on the field and the last one to leave. Through hard work and perseverance, I pushed myself to start on the team and, fortunately enough, I was able to start varsity as a freshman. Not only did I work hard during my freshman year, but I made sure to push my teammates to become better athletes. During the off-season, I helped to implement a lifting schedule which took into account the schedules of in-season sports. Involvement on the Titans Football

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