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The Sniper Of The Forest Short Story

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It was a cold winter night and a team of the best soldiers were in Russia waiting in a forest. On the team was Jack Silva, Tyrone 'Rone' Woods, Kris 'Tanto' Paronto, Dave 'Boon' Benton, John 'Tig' Tiengen, and Mark 'Oz' Geist. Oz was the sniper of the team protecting the rest of the team from up in the mountains. Rone was the Captain of the team, and gives all the orders. Tig was the technologist, Jack was the new guy, Tanto and Boon just take orders and do what their told. They were up in the mountains watching the Russians Malicia leaders house.

They were in the mountains for a week before they heard some trucks coming up the road. Oz was giving the signal to stand Down because there are to many of them. Once all the trucks went past they moved in. When they got to the gate there were 3 guards. Oz had the perfect angle and took all them at once. They jumped over the gate and as soon as they did so a big alarm started going off. They started to the gate and jumped over it. By this time bullets were flying everywhere. They heard a big rumble, and it was a BTR. …show more content…
They were hitting boulders, trees, each other, and everything on the way down. They finally stopped and everything was hurting like concussion, broken bones, and they lost a lot of their equipment. Slowly Rone and Jack got up, and when they did they saw a figure coming towards them. When the figure got closer they could tell that it was Oz. After everybody got patched up they headed down the mountain. On the way down they saw this abandoned village. They went and searched it, and it was clear. Nobody was there so they set up a camp. Out of the 3 days they had 2 rabbits to share with 6

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