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Proactive Murderers Research Paper

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Reactive murderers are more emotional and unregulated than proactive murderers. Proactive murderers are classified as predatory in that they tend to plan out their violent acts.
Brain scans indicate that reactive murderers show less activity in their prefrontal cortex which is the reasoning center of the brain and controls executive functioning of the brain such as problem-solving, planning and self-control. Brain scans of proactive murderers show an increase in the functioning of the prefrontal cortex that allows for the skillful lying and manipulation in their actions. Proactive murderers also possess greater language skills and have “more than a 22% increase in white matter in prefrontal cortex (synaptic connections)”. (Murderous Brains) …show more content…
Generally describe adolescent brain development.
The brain reaches is largest physical size in girls around the age of 11 and for boys around the age of 14. However, the brain continues to develop and mature well into our late 20’s and is shaped by life experiences.
A decrease in connections between neurons (pruning) causes gray matter to diminish.

The brain grows from the bottom to top and from the inside to outside. The front of the brain is where the prefrontal cortex is located (the last area of the brain to develop and mature) and is the area where planning, prioritizing and controlling of impulses takes place.
Factors such as childhood trauma, diet, and sleep also play a large part in the development of the adolescent brain.
How do you think we should punish the adolescent murderer?
I do not think that an adolescent who murders should be sentenced to life in prison without parole. The brain of an adolescent lacks the ability to understand the consequences of their …show more content…
A diet rich in Omega 3 has been proven to reduce hostility by enhancing synaptic functioning which facilitates the communication of brain cells and there is evidence that “Omega 3 is effective in reducing antisocial behavior” (Raine) Along with diet and exercise the practice of meditation and mindfulness can physically remodel the brain. “Scientific reviews have argued that meditation in prisoners reduces their anxiety and stress levels, increases their psychological well-being, and reduces their anger and hostility.” (Raine)
The mental health issues of each adolescent should be reviewed and addressed as to offer the proper treatment. A parole board could then evaluate the adolescent upon maturity and make a decision of whether they are ready to reenter society safely.
Adrian Raine states in his book that “We really can change the brain to change behavior” (Raine) If this is true, then we really should implement the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Not just in adolescent prisoners but in the early school years of our children as well.
4. Which neuroscience issue that we have covered in class so far do you think will most impact the criminal justice system in 20 years?

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