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John Cheever

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First, John Cheever uses the element of plot to support the theme of entitlement. The plot is essential to the support the theme in Cheever’s story. The setting of New York City is a great starting point to look at entitlement of consumers. In New York amongst the wealthy some have been given this sense of entitlement based off their success and social class ranking and in the story Cheever’s father a club owner when going hafer 2from restaurant he demands service by shouting and clapping his hands at the waiter almost wanting him to drop everything he was doing at the time to serve him and John. And when the waiter addresses the hand clapping to Cheever’s father he responds in a disrespectful belittling manner. This is where location comes

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John Cheever Short Fiction

...7t hA ve Eastern ParkwayBrooklyn Museum 2 3 Brooklyn Museum START Franklin Ave (Subway) East 2 3 4 5 ern P kwy S . ve hA us tb Fla V Brooklyn Botanic Garden PARK SLOPE 7th Ave F 9 th (Subway) St . Pr os pe ct Pa rk W es t 2 6 5 Prospect Park Botanic Garden (Subway) e. gton Av Washin 1 HALF-MARATHON May 19, 2012 7:00 a.m. BROOKLYN 15 St./Prospect Park F (Subway) Pros p Pr os pe ct Ex pr es sw ay 15 th St . Q S Prospect Park (Subway) ve. Ocean A ec tP ar kS o. 3 7 4 ide rks Pa Ave. 1 Mile Markers Race Route Water Stations Ft. Hamilton Pkwy (Subway) F . y kw nP ilto am rt H Fo ve. nA ato C ve. nd A y Isla Cone FLATBUSH Church Ave (Subway) Q Gatorade® F ve. hA urc Ch Q Beverly Rd (Subway) Toilets Medical Aid Stations Baggage Volunteer Check-in Kids Activities Festival Church Ave (Subway) Q Cortelyou Rd 8 y Parkwa Ocean (Subway) Ditmas Ave (Subway) F BOROUGH PARK th 18th Ave 18 (Subway) F e. Av . ve kA kir w Ne Q Newkirk Ave (Subway) Q Avenue H V K (Subway) MIDWOOD 9 J Avenue Q Avenue J (Subway) Bay Parkway (Subway) F y Parkwa Ocean Q Avenue M (Subway) As of April 17, 2012. For updates please check To confirm transit information, Avenue N (Subway) F 10 Avenue P enue P (Subway) F Av gs Kin y. Hw Q Kings Hwy (Subway) Kings Hwy (Subway) F S Avenue y Parkwa Ocean BENSONHURST Avenue...

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