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Submitted By gacarter93
Words 431
Pages 2
Being in Introduction to Psychology for just two weeks I have learned so many interesting facts about the history of Psychology and its background information. Prior to the class all I knew was that Psychology was the study of the human mind, that’s exactly what struck my interests. I have always been enthused with the mind, thought processes, and problem solving skills. After obtaining my four year degree, I plan to further my knowledge on the subject and earning a Master’s degree in Psychology. While in Graduate School, I plan to intern at a Mental Health agency or in the Mental Ward in a hospital to further my hands on experience with mentally unstable patients. Some goals I plan to accomplish are, making The Dean’s List, being involved around school. I hope that being a Psychology majors helps me become an all-around better person, being that I will be learning about behaviors I feel that I should be more understanding and patient. After doing research I learned that most careers don’t last because some people don’t have healthy social skills. In addition to listening to lectures on occupations in the field, the careers that interest me the most are Juvenile Prevention Program Coordinator, Child Care Counselor, and Alcohol Counselor. These careers interest me because I believe that children can’t change their situations and I would love to help those children live normal childhoods. I would enjoy a job as a Alcohol Counselor because I believe that most addictions form because the persons feel stressed or trapped. I would sit them down and talk to them about their problems, offer advice, and suggest alternatives when they feel depressed. The occupations I chose are all similar, because they all are careers which I will have to interact with people, and adjust to different attitudes and behaviors. The faculty that whose interest are most similar to mine is Dr.

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