...Product vs. Service Supply Chain Whether tangible products or intangible services, both manufacturing and service industries use different inventory strategies to deliver quality end results to consumers. Supplying a service or a product impacts forecasting and resourcing decisions in different ways. The objectives of the service industry remain similar to the manufacturing industry, fulfilling wants or demands of customers are impacted by the strategies that organizations choose to follow. In the manufacturing industry, raw material, work in progresses, sub-components and finished goods are stored at the company’s expense to meet the demands of its customers. Stock that is held to meet demands is also knows as cycle stock. An example may be a company who purchases coffee from a supplier. The coffee that is supplied is used every day; therefore the company may want to purchase a month’s worth of coffee that will satisfy their demand for roughly thirty days. To avoid any uncertainties in demand as well as shortages or delays, a safety stock can be purchased in addition. Although this scenario sounds ideal, situations do not always turn out to be perfect. One thing that can be a problem with supplying too much coffee to this company would be an issue of quality in the coffee. Keeping coffee stored away and unused for too long may cause the coffee to become stale and unsatisfying. In addition, a variety of associated costs and good customer service are a few challenges that may...
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...ADVANTAGE TECHNOLOGY NETWORKS PRACTICE PROCESS BALANCE PERFORMANCE SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLY CHAIN THE &THE VS. HYPE REALITY 46 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REVIEW · SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2001 www.scmr.com The conventional wisdom is that competition in the future will not be company vs. company but supply chain vs. supply chain. But the reality is that instances of head-to-head supply chain competition will be limited. The more likely scenario will find companies competing— and winning—based on the capabilities they can assemble across their supply networks. By James B. Rice, Jr. and Richard M. Hoppe A n increasingly vocal and popular sentiment holds that the nature of competition in the future will not be between companies but rather between supply chains. If this does, in fact, represent the future, how will these chains actually compete against each other? And what can practitioners do now in anticipation of this future? In contemplating the much-ballyhooed supply chain vs. supply chain (SC vs. SC) proposition, we first sought examples of this competition in action. Yet for as many examples of SC vs. SC competition that we found, there were at least as many places where the model didn’t fit. On the one hand, we saw vivid examples where one company or a series of companies had designed supply networks to act with singular focus against other unique companies or groups of companies—for example, Brax, Perdue Farms, and Tyson Foods. Yet more...
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...Ford vs Dell Executive Summary FORDs current method of controlling all aspects of the manufacturing is outdated and is limiting the corporation’s annual results. In order to stay competitive and become efficient again, FORD needs to re-evaluate their current supply chain and implement key portions of DELLs vertically integrated supply chain model. A proper implementation will increase information flow between suppliers, departments and dealers resulting in a reduction of redundant inventory and focus towards just in time inventory. All of these factors will further drive up the already US industry leading profit margin per vehicle. In order to accomplish these goals FORD needs to refocus the Purchasing department’s responsibilities, consolidate and develop suppliers that deliver finished high level components and increase the information flow across all points of the supply chain. These steps will help to introduce a more pull-based system. Contents Issue identification 1 Environmental and root cause analysis 2 Alternatives/Options 3 Recommendations 4 Implementation 5 Monitor & Control 6 Issue identification • Current order to delivery (OTD) is more than 60 days. • Management of large supplier network. • Utilization of IT is lacking. • Purchasing isn’t integrated into Product development. • Independent dealership network has resulted in FORDs loss of control over customer service experiences. This network also...
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...Supply Chain vs. Supply and Demand Model ECO372 Supply Chain vs. Supply and Demand Model In today's competitive economic industries, companies are taking strategic steps to solidify a stern supply chain to ensure overall growth in target markets. Companies must have products readily available in order to stay in business and to stay relevant amongst consumers. In the world where millions of consumers are making choices and control what they want to purchase and how often they want to do so strikes a need for more resources and productivity. Businesses are constantly evolving in an effort to become the leader in their industry to attract and appeal to as many people possible. Supply and demand are the key elements in establishing the ultimate value of a consumer product. There are several influential factors that can alter the demand and create changes in production by increasing or decreasing the overall supply. Seasons, trends, advertising and availability all provide a platform for business to act on the need of the consumer market. Supply Chain "A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Within each organization, such as manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request. These services include, but are not...
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...Care Healthcare Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management plays a vital role in our hospitals today. With the growing cost of healthcare and new technologies, it is vital for hospitals to run as efficiently as possible and without jeopardizing care. To the materials manager and to the financial minds of a hospital the area of supply chain is a tedius task at best, the kind of planning, strategizing and measuring that seldom goes recognized and rewarded. The work involved with inventory control fits tightly within that description. In many hospitals today, it is easy for inventory control to go astray and become uncontrolable. This is the case with I Care Healthcare System. Too many people with too much access to too much product procurement are controlling supplies and equipment coming into the facility without any regulation or little oversight. While the blame for over-ordering is frequently pointed at nursing staff, famous for squirreling away unseen, already paid-for stocks of goods, they are not the only offenders. More accurately, when it comes to inventory, it's the system that fails a hospital, not its people, over what is essentially an asset management issue. Currently I Care Healthcare System uses a mainframe that was develped internally with an outdated materials management system that allows you to generate purchase orders, but is lacking in running reports that track the usage. This is not uncommon in the hospital materials management environment...
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...approach IT investment and management will need to change dramatically” (Carr, 2003) IT Doesn’t Matter! • Information Technology: – Proprietary Technology vs. Infrastructural Technology • The Commoditization of IT – Transport mechanism – more valuable shared rather than isolated – Interconnectivity and interoperability – Standardisation of technology and homogenisation of its functionality – Highly replicable – Rapid price deflation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO2dCaaSDk8 IT Doesn’t Matter! • From Offence to Defence – Spend less – Follow, don’t lead – Focus on vulnerabilities, not opportunities Does IT matter? • Inherently strategic because of indirect effects • Creates possibilities and options that did not exist before • May become ubiquitous! The insight to harness the potential is not distributed evenly. Does IT matter? Three broad lessons • Extracting value from IT requires innovations in business practices. • IT’s economic impacts comes from incremental innovations rather than “big bang” initiatives. • The strategic impact of IT investments comes from the cumulative effect of sustained initiatives to innovate business practices in the near term. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUe-tSabKag The changing scope of IS: from 1950s to present day Beyond the Enterprise: Institutional Supply Chain Core: Data collection Decision...
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...Learning Team Reflection: Supply Chain and Demand Definitions Supply Chain According to Investopedia the Supply Chain is defined as the network created amongst different companies producing, handling and/or distributing a specific product. Specifically, the supply chain encompasses the steps it takes to get a good or service from the supplier to the customer. Supply and Demand In classical economic theory, the relation between these two factors determines the price of a commodity. This relationship is thought to be the driving force in a free market. As demand for an item increases, prices rise. When manufacturers respond to the price increase by producing a larger supply of that item, this increases competition and drives the price down. Modern economic theory proposes that many other factors affect price, including government regulations, monopolies, and modern techniques of marketing and advertising (dictionary.reference.com). Relationship The supply chain and supply and demand model are very similar because they both work hand and hand to be successful. Both models can be used to project much needed information of what consumers purchase and the amount they will pay for it. This is very useful to the stakeholders, involved in this process. Essentially these models can predict the consumer’s wants and needs for products on the market and for researching future products. The customers wants is what drives the supply chain. In the demand model the customer is at...
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...Summary – must do Think of Decision and make analysis lead to it Context * Role * Limitations of the role * Other stakeholders? * Issue: Write a sentence outlining the core problem * Prioritize the issues * Key issues symptoms outcomes (financial concerns = revenue/profit) * (Design (product/process matrix), Capacity, Inventory (SCM), Quality) * Goal: Long term plans and goals – motivation * Decision * Constraints and other considerations * Time, money, scope – tradeoffs External Economy: Implications Industry Size-up * Trends in the industry (growth?) Stage of growth (prospect if start-up but low revenues, if mature there is competition and revenues grow slower, if stable cost control is important and maybe look to differentiate) * What are customers looking for? * Political, Social, Technology * Where do we fit in the industry? * Nature of industry volume or niche? Operational approach? * Types of assets specialized or generic? * Variability? * Identify areas of variability = human, seasonality, different products, process * Barriers to entry? * Competitors * Degree of competition (Porter’s) * What is our competitive advantage? * What are competitors doing? * Can use material from other courses * What is...
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...Introduction When a procedure, a model, an approach, a case study, or other research is undertaken, generally some measure of the system's performance is presented and perhaps analyzed. A large number of different types of performance measures have been used to characterize systems, particularly production, distribution, and inventory systems. Such a large number of available performance measures makes performance measure selection difficult. Generally, performance measurement research focuses on analyzing performance measurement systems that are already in use, categorizing performance measures and then studying the measures within a category, and building rules of thumb or frameworks by which performance measurement systems can be developed for various types of systems. Beamon (1996) presents a number of characteristics that are found in effective performance measurement systems, and can therefore be used in evaluation of these measurement systems. These characteristics include: inclusiveness (measurement of all pertinent aspects), universality (allow for comparison under various operating conditions), measurability (data required are measurable), and consistency (measures consistent with organization goals). Besides analyzing the measures based on their effectiveness, benchmarking is another important method that is used in performance measure evaluation. Benchmarking can be useful in that it can serve as a means of identifying improvement opportunities. Camp (1989) provides...
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...Supply Chain and e-Supply Chain: Structures, Strategies and Drivers 1. SUPPLY CHAIN DESCRIPTION |Supply Chain: |Activities involved in fulfilling a customer request | |Actors: |Suppliers, Sub-Contractors, Manufacturers, Transporters, Warehouses, Retailers, Customers | |Functions: |Product, Development, Marketing, Procurement, Manufacturing, Operations, Distribution, | | |Finance, Customer Service | |Objective: |Maximize value generated through customer satisfaction | Decision Phases | |Strategy (Design) | | |Locations, Capacity channel design, Warehouses, Manufacturing, Outsourcing | | |Planning | | |Supply scheme, Inventory policy, Subcontracting | | |Operations | | |Allocation of individual orders to inventory or production, allocation...
Words: 1979 - Pages: 8
...segmentation and targeting Marketing Orientations - five common marketing orientations around the world: production, sales, customer, strategic marketing and social marketing 1. Product Orientation - when companies focus on production and little emphasis is on marketing (commodity sales, passive exports, foreign niches) 2. Sales Orientation - companies sell abroad what they sell domestically with the same approach – assume consumers are similar 3. Customer Orientation - country or type of customer is held constant and the product/marketing method varies 4. Strategic Marketing Orientation - strategy that combines production ,sales and customer orientations 5. Social Marketing Orientation - environment Segmenting and Targeting Markets - by country, by global segment, by multiple criteria, mass markets vs. niche markets, Why Firms Alter Products Legal - labeling requirements, environmental protection regulations, indirect legal considerations, issues of standardization Cultural and Economic - infrastructure (economic) The Product Line: Extent and Mix - company may only offer only a portion of its product line, perhaps as an entry strategy Sales and Cost Considerations - consider costs of having large vs small family of products Product Life-Cycle Considerations - countries may differ in either the shape or length of a product’s life cycle Pricing Strategies Potential Obstacles * government intervention *...
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...efficient and cost effective, it encompasses activities at many levels, and provides competitive advantage. System approach – system-wide strategy minimizing costs over the entire supply chain Challenge of SCM: 1. Strategies cannot be determined in isolation. 2. Minimize cost while maintaining system-wide service levels. 3. Uncertainty and risk Global optimization is complex because facilities are dispersed over a large area, different facilities have different goals, it’s a dynamic system; changes over time due to changing business and customer environment, seasonal fluctuations, competitors, trends, etc. Sources of uncertainty: lead-time, demand, transportation times, component availability, etc. Approaches to manage risk: 1. Build redundancy 2. Use info to better sense and respond to disruptions 3. Incorporate flexibility 4. Improve supply chain processes to including risk assessment measures Building blocks in effective supply chain: strategic partnerships, info sharing, outsourcing, e-business. Strategic issues – deal with long term goals (number, location, capacity of facilities) Tactical issues – quarterly/yearly basis (transportation, purchasing, inventory policies) Operational – day-to-day (truck-loading, scheduling, lead-time quotations) Supply chain disruptions: * Part shortages * Roll-out problems * Order change by customers * Production problems * Development problems * Quality problems Dealing...
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...worn sexy lingerie Raymond sold the company to L Brands in 1982 for $1 million and filed for bankruptcy after several failed start-ups. He jumped to his death from the Golden Gate Bridge in 1993 $2 billion in sales, thanks in large part to its catalogue, models and focus on women, making lingerie not only functional but desirable 5 Organization: A Culture of Pink HQ in Columbus, OH Employees: 90,000 Wexner CEO for 50 years O L Brands CEO: Mr. Leslie Wexner E S MAST Global Logistics LLS Logistics Bath & Body Works CEO: Ms. Sharon Jester CEO: Mr. Nicholas Coe VS Pink CEO:Ms. Denise Landmn La Senza CEO: n/a Henri Bendel CEO: n/a VS. Stores CEO: Ms. Lori Greeley Brands with high emotional content Corp values: care for the customer, passion and diversity In transition due to recent spin-offs. Seeking permanent name/brand identity 6 VS. ecommerce CEO: Ms. Denise Landmn O Sales by Brand E S In $ billion 2009 5.3 2010 5.9 2011 6.1 2012 6.6 2013F 6.5 Brand Victoria's Secret/Pink Bath & Body Works Other Total 2.4 0.9 8.6 2.5 1.2 9.6 2.7 1.6 10.4 2.9 1.0 10.5 2.7 1.4 10.6 % of portfolio 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2009 2010 2011 2012...
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...is an independent joint trade and industry body, which is co-chaired by representatives from the retail sector and the manufacturing sector. It promotes the use of Efficient Consumer Response techniques in Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) retailing to remove unnecessary costs from the supply chain and make the sector, as a whole, more responsive to consumer demand. For more information please contact: ECR AP follows the Consumer Goods Forum focusing around five strategic priorities – Emerging Trends, Sustainability, Safety & Health, Operational Excellence and Knowledge Sharing & People Development Under operational excellence, one of the initiatives is the OSA working group which is a collaboration between members, Accenture, Unilever and Diageo. For more information please contact: Ivett Katalin Nagy, Executive Director, ECR Asia Pacific ivett@ecr-all.org Alfons Van-Woerkom Alfons.Van-Woerkom@unilever.com Unilever With more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, no company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways. Our portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and everyday household care products. We produce world-leading brands including Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Hellmann’s and Omo, alongside trusted local names such as Blue Band, Pureit and Suave. Diageo Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across...
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...measurement and can be calculated as the ratio of output vs input. Performance is the measurement of productivity for one particular resource like human (operator) or machine. The input is considered after excluding all lost times/ off standard time or time not available to the resource. Utilization is the measurement of available time to a resource vs complete time available. By calculation, it is also the ratio of efficiency and performance. Hence Efficiency = Performance * Utilization Capacity decision is important to reach: * Policy Factors: Management policy can affect capacity by allowing or not allowing capacity options such as overtime or second or third shifts * Operational Factors: Scheduling problems may occur when an organization has differences in equipment capabilities among different pieces of equipment or differences in job requirements. Other areas of impact on effective capacity include inventory stocking decisions, late deliveries, purchasing requirements, acceptability of purchased materials and parts, and quality inspection and control procedures. * Supply Chain Factors: Questions include: What impact will the changes have on suppliers, warehousing, transportation, and distributors? If capacity will be increased, will these elements of the supply chain be able to handle the increase? If capacity is to be decreased, what impact will the loss of business have on these elements of the supply chain? * External Factors: Minimum quality and performance...
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