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Professionalism: Introduction To The Profession Of Nursing

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Running head: Concepts of Professionalism

Concepts of Professionalism Dolapo Akadiri May 5, 2016
Introduction to the Profession of Nursing| NSG3001
Janet Stamatelos
South University

Several decades ago, evaluations of individuals who held prestigious or non-prestigious positions in large corporations, organizations, hospitals or any high esteemed office were held to some form of ethical and moral conduct. These organizations have set out a way to concurrently maintain a safe environment for both their customers and employees. A widely revered …show more content…
Leadership in humanitarian response (Fit for purpose. 2011).”
Although these definitions of competency are not yet fully global, they have been tested in at least six countries in three languages in Asia, Africa and South America and have been adopted by several training providers. Specialties with who professionals are involved should likewise see that these competencies are incorporated into their lifestyle. Lastly, honesty as defined by Thomas Jefferson is the “first chapter in the book of wisdom” and is an important attribute for any professional to possess. It is the ability to not just make statements but also stand by them come what may, to not compromise their values at any given situation and to continue to do the right thing even when it means take a higher road. Most professionals are held to a higher standard and are therefore accountable for their insights, actions and words. The implication of this is that whoever is far from integrity is almost always not going to be assigned a career path of a professional. More than this, professionalism entails humility. A true professional is always humble; he is able to recognize and willing to admit to himself and others when a job task falls out of his breadth of knowledge. He then seeks to resolve the solution by asking a credible source, and is willing to learn from others as …show more content…
There are two systems that a human comprises of that Johnson recognized; the biological being, and the behavioral being. The defined profession of medicine makes advancements towards the care of the biological being. The profession of nursing aims to care for the person, or the behavioral being. Johnson correlated the two systems, making each on dependent upon one another. She decided to place her full competent efforts in caring for the behavioral being as a physician would care for the biological being, making this the most important component of her theory. Johnson develops a definition of the behavioral being; “...all patterned, repetitive, purposeful ways of behaving that characterizes each person’s life make up an organized and integrated whole-a system.” This system is responsible for the interactions that it has with the biological system. For example, a person is admitted into a hospital, and he/she is being cared for biologically with medicinal practices prescribed by a doctor. The nurse cares for his/her behavioral being, by maintaining an equilibrium between the two systems. It is important that the behavior of the patient does not negatively impact the improvement of the biological system. With a balance between the two

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