...Profile Essay “What the people of Nogales need are actions not promises” (Moises Casal). These were Moises Casal’s last words before the Election Day in Nogales, Mexico. Moises is one of the two current local congressmen of Nogales, he represents the political party PAN. He won the elections July of 2008 and since then he has been working hard to help the citizens of Nogales. A local congressman suggests laws and initiatives to make the city more efficient and more comfortable to live but is not as easy as it sounds, sometimes they don’t all agree on the suggestions he makes or vice versa. His profession requires a large amount of integrity, nobility and honesty because many local congressmen instead of helping the city they have been caught stealing money from projects for the city. “Sometimes I feel really homesick” (Casal). His job makes him travel a lot to Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora. Hermosillo is 450 kilometers away from Nogales, it’s a 4 hour drive, and he stays in Hermosillo for days or even a whole week. These trips distance Moises from his family. He have miss many important family events like his sons college graduation , wedding anniversaries, and even he has been alone in a hotel room during his birthday, and I know all this because Moises Casal is no stranger to me, he is my uncle. “Helping people has been one of my truth passions” (Casal). Moises always loved helping people since he was a little kid and that love for helping made him wanted to be a...
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...Jordan Rodriguez Rough Draft Profile Essay GSW 1100 15 September 2015 A Day in the Life Around noon on a hot summer day I yawned my way out of my comfy bed. I slowly walked down the stairs, watched cartoons while eating cocoa puffs. Later, my sisters and I went outside to play four square with the neighbors. After they beat me several times, I ran down the street with embarrassment. While running down the scorching hot pavement, I saw my friend Jacob playing whiffle ball outside with his friendly father. I asked him to talk a walk with me. We complained about our typical sixth grade problems. Jacob complained about his xbox breaking, while I complained about school plus girls. I really didn’t have any problems with girls besides wanting them all to myself. I never understood the point of school. I knew I had to get good grades, go to highschool, go to college, get a good job, and make a lot of money. I had to pay attention in class. It was imbedded into my head that soon became a natural instinct. Waking up at 7am to my dad screaming for me to brush my smelly teeth, wash my dirty body, and dress my naked body. Hearing people talk that early angered me. I never liked walking around my fifteenth century school. The walls peeled with gray paint. The dark red and off white tiles made me feel ill. The halls smelled like raunchy old ladies bathing in baby powder. Sitting in a deck for several hours developed into boredom for me. Talking about my hatred for school...
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...Profile Essay Real Estate Imagine a society and it’s market, what do people want most when buying/selling an object/item? Great prices? Better service? or even Good quality? well George Seraydarian, an experienced broker tries to combine and provide all of these benefits to his customers. All these attributes make George set. a great Real Estate broker. “most R.E. brokers don’t really care about their customers. They just try to make the most money they can.” Honesty might be the last element when it comes to ethical possession, but indeed there are people like Mr. Seraydarian who his honesty is his key to success. “Sometimes people come in to my office and tell me that they have been referred by one of my other clients because of my service.” The word of mouth is the best way to get clients. George’s clientele consists of mostly loyal clients that keep coming back to him if they ever need anything. “This is how i get most of my clients.” George rarely has to use any marketing strategies to bring in new clients. George come to the U.S. at the age of 27 with barely any education. He use to work as a lunch truck driver until he decided to get a salesperson license and started working at a century 21 franchise. After 8 years of experience at center 21, George decide that he finally “ had enough of managing about 50 brokers at the franchise.” George rubbed his eyes and then continued; “ i decided to open my own real estate shop. Most of my loyal customers followed me...
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...Market segmentation is a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Marketing segmentation has dividing a market into smaller group distinct needs, characteristic or behavior those might require separate products or marketing mixes. The purpose of market segmentation is to increase marketing efficiency by focusing marketing efforts to a particular group, maximize scarce marketing resources, find a market with limited competition and select the most profitable segment. It has four major market segmentation variables, there are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral. Geographic segmentation tries to divide the market into different geographical units such as location, regions, population density, climate and countries. Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics. Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes, response to a product. There are four consumer and industrial product that we are going to discuss about their market segmentation, which are McDonald, Hugo Boss perfume, Mobil Nokia and magazine of National Geographic. Fast food: McDonalds Geographic segmentation ...
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...at the forefront of the successful effort in Colorado to pass sweeping legislation that tightened gun regulations and implemented extended background checks (Ferner, “John Morse, Colo.”) in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut shootings of 2012. For his efforts, he was pursued vehemently by pro-gun activists and organizations (Millhiser). Morse persistently fought for his beliefs despite knowing the political risk he was taking in the purple state of Colorado, where voters are sharply divided on the issue (“Colorado Voters”). With “no regrets” (qtd. in Ferner, “State Sen.”), Morse did what he 2014 Winning Essay: John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest for High School Students felt would be best for his state, martyring his Senate office for it and proving himself “courageous in [his] unyielding devotion to absolute principles,” as John F. Kennedy wrote in Profiles in Courage (Kennedy 19). As a state senator in the very state where both the...
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...Profiles of high risk crime victims closely resemble profiles of crime perpetrators for numerous reasons, only some of which are clear on first appearance. In lecture we learned that the archetypically-profiled victim of robbery is a poor, young, single, city-dwelling male of minority ethnicity, and is victimized by a member of his own race (Lecture, 2015). It is thus easy to imagine why a criminal might choose to prey on someone young, isolated, lacking resources, physically proximate, and free of companions. However this does not represent the full relationship. The profile link also exists, in part, because there exists a strong relationship between criminality and victimhood. In the popular lexicon, the term “victim” has come to mean an individual who is free of guilt from wrongdoing. However this is more likely a reflection of media portrayals of criminal-on-bystander violence than it is an accurate statistical representation of violent criminality. Victimization is described as an “asymmetrical interpersonal relationship that is abusive, painful, destructive, parasitical and unfair” (Karmen, 2015, p. 7). Nowhere in this definition is the criminal status of either victim...
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...The Coca-Cola Company July 24, 2011 CONTENTS Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Coca-Cola: An Introduction.……………………………………………………………………....4 Financial Analysis………………..……………………………………………………………..…6 Competition Analysis: Pepsi………………………………………………………………………9 Recommendations………………………………………………………………………………..13 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….…15 References………………………………………………………………………………………..16 Abstract Many international corporations began as small domestic ventures. As businesses grew, corporations saw the many possibilities brought on by expanding operations. Companies began to expand by opening franchises in various cities, yet they knew there was more potential for success if they were to expand their operations even further. Thousands of companies, such as Coca-Cola, chose cities internationally to gain more revenue. The purpose of a corporation is to maximize profits for all shareholders involved. Opening firms abroad allowed Coca-Cola to gain worldwide recognition, which gave them a competitive advantage over other soft drink makers. Now, Cola-Cola is not only recognized, but it is one of the most consumed soft drinks both within the United States and in cities across the globe. Coca-Cola took a huge risk in expanding their operations. However, their success proves that multinational corporations need to choose the right market to venture into and choose marketing techniques that appeal to their consumers. Coca-Cola: An Introduction In 1866...
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...Alyssa Miller MKTG 320 SWOT Analysis Las Vegas The LVCVA has a strength with predicting trends and for the most part has been on top of changing their marketing techniques to suit those trends. Las Vegas is one of the most famous cities in the world and it is known for a great and crazy time. Las Vegas also has an enormous customer base. Las Vegas’s image is weak in the fact that it only appeals to some customers. The smaller audience it attracts and that there are almost no options for any other age group besides 21-50 year olds also weakens it. Las Vegas has an opportunity to expand and make it’s business and experience even bigger because almost no one is competing with them. There is also an opportunity to improve hotels, casinos, resorts, and other main attraction buildings with all the new technology that comes out every year. Las Vegas has an opportunity to expand their customer base and try to reach different and new demographics. The business also has an opportunity to try and make its large industry greener. They could find ways to save electricity and water at hotels and casinos and be sure that all public bathrooms in the city have automatic air hand dryers. A threat in Las Vegas’s microenvironment is that since they virtually have no competitors, it could eventually become a boring trend or a place that everyone’s already been to. On the other hand, places like Dubai are becoming trendy with new modern infrastructure and many opportunities to attract...
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...SURVEY Please read each of the following questions carefully. Please select the letter that most closely reflects your actual response to that question. Please just highlight your response and then UNDERLINE it. Please be honest with your responses. These responses will be held confidential and will not identify you in any way. Thank you for responding to these questions. You will note your responses can be from Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA). If you have no opinion, please select the N for Neutral. Again, please just highlight your response and then UNDERLINE it. Q1: I like a boss who watches my every move. SD D N A SA Q2. I like a boss who is there when I need them but allows me freedom to perform my duties independently. SD D N A SA Q3. I prefer a boss who allows me to be involved in the decision making process on issues that affect me directly. SD D N A SA Q4. I prefer a boss who inspires confidence and is charismatic. SD D N A SA Q5. I like a boss that has a passion for the work. SD D N A SA Q6. I prefer a boss who gives credit where credit is due. SD D N A SA Q7. I like a boss who feels that the company has a responsibility to society. SD D N A SA Q8. I prefer a boss that expects his or her orders to be carried out immediately. SD D N A SA Please...
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...Social Networking and Security Tips Unfortunately, we live in a world where some individuals think that causing virtual aggravation and loss of time and money is entertaining and productive. Ever since we have been connected to the digital highway through internet access, computers have been vulnerable to malicious intrusion by programs that were designed with intent to do harm. The amount of money that organizations and consumers have spent in securing their computer data and company networks is overwhelming. Everyone can protect himself or herself by making sure they have a security plan in place by equipping the computers with the necessary defense mechanisms. Social Engineering Awareness: One of the major elements of a security plan is to increase the knowledge of the common user and to make sure they are aware of the risks and how to take precautions. Consumers must be aware of the different methods that are used in order to breach the security system in place. Surprisingly, many of the tactics are not very technical at all. It is very important to know whether or not the sites you are visiting are secure and how your data is being used while you are visiting these sites. One should definitely use extra caution when downloading files and even clicking on links. Consumers should also beware of direct social engineering tactics used to persuade you to willingly give your information to unauthorized individuals. Never share your passwords with anyone. Do not be...
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...Galura The aim of this study is to describe and identify the most common types of coping strategy used by wives who were affected by the infidelity of their partner. It also sought to provide demographic profiles of these wives. The researchers’ motivation of choosing this topic had been influenced by the everyday situation of people they knew who had experienced being separated to their husbands due to infidelity. Also, the media had contributed to their choice because nowadays, infidelity has been featured to many movies, television shows and social media sites. In this study, the researchers have employed a descriptive design. The participants involved in this research were 40 wives, age ranging from 25 to 65 years old and coming from different cities and towns of Pampanga, who have experienced infidelity of their husbands. Their sample was gathered through snowball sampling. For their theoretical framework, the researchers used the Lazarus model of stress and model of behavioral self-regulation. To quantify it, they used the Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE) inventory of Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub (1989). With the help of a professor, they have translated the inventory for their Filipino participants. They have also developed a demographic profile checklist. There were five variables in the checklist which were age, socio economic status, educational attainment, religion and occupation. The results showed that majority of the wives used turning to...
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...technology on the Web. On the contrary, social networks had been studied from the beginning of 20th century with the aim to comprehend how the members of a certain community interact and which mechanism can determine the interaction itself. In shorter terms it’s the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself. In today’s social networking refers to all activities that are carried out with-in specific online services that provides free space and software tools which allows you to create networks of people. In other words social networking is a Web site that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile. The mechanism following: social networking services enable users to create a profile for themselves, by inserting their personal data. Users’ data are not only constituted by vital statistics, but they include a lot of other information which pertains to user hobbies, passions, interests, professional background and so on. This kind of personal data, all spontaneously provided by the user her/himself, permit to create interconnected networks of people who decide to put in common their interests and to have an online identity which fully describes them. The great strength of social networking are the multiple ways the users have to interact. Below is a list of the main communication resources used to build social networks: chat; messaging; wiki; email; video; voice; ...
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...Growth Stocks vs. Value Stocks Thomas Anderton MBA 570 Professor Scott Growth stocks generally come from companies of high quality and who are considered successful. Investors expect the earnings of these companies to keep growing above the market average. If an investor were to analyze the companies with growth stock they would notice that these stocks have high price to earnings ratios and high price to book ratios. The price to earnings ratio shows the market price per share divided by the earnings. In order to have a high ratio generally the market price per share is high. Value stocks are the exact opposite of growth stock in terms of their price per earnings ratio and their price to book ratio, which means they generally have low ratios. These companies are generally expected by investors to increase in value when the rest of the market recognizes their potential. According to Bryan Rich of Forbes, “Value stocks are stocks with the lowest P/E, price to book, price to sales and price to cash flow. Other twists on value investing are simply looking at the lowest priced stocks in a major index or stocks with the highest dividend yield in a major index” (Rich, 2016). To some investors, growth stocks may seem to be expensive and at times overhauled, which could cause them to invest in value stocks. Investors may chase value stock because they don’t have as much money to invest as other investors who choose growth stocks. Some investors may choose to invest in growth...
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...Gmo: the Value Versus Growth Dilemma GMO: The Value Versus Growth Dilemma | 1. What is value investing? What is its rationale? What are GMO’s main arguments in favor of value investing? Value investing is a way of investing in company stocks that are considered either undervalued or out-of-favor by the market. In other word, a value investment is one where the intrinsic value of the stock is not accurately reflected in the current market valuation. The underlying reason of too much decreasing in the stock price is that the company may be losing market shares or even in trouble due to market’s panic attributed to negative rumors as well as having management problems. Since the market price has dramatically descended, the book to market ratio of that stock will conversely increase. Consequently, this fraction is an important indicator that value investors will look at in order to justify if a particular stock is value stock or not. The rationale for investing in such value stock is that after the forces that are depressing the stock have diminished, the market price of value stock can only go upward from the bottom position to realize the stock’s hidden potential value at some point in the future. Notably, the key assumption is that once the market finally acknowledges the inefficiency that the price is too low when compared to the expected future returns, it will bump up the price and the value investors will directly benefit from the capital gain on those value stocks. Basing...
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...Name: Taneika Powell Centre #: Candidate #:100088 Territory: Jamaica Subject: Social Studies Acknowledgement The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance of my Social Studies teachers. The researcher would like to express sincere gratitude to the residents of Brown’s Hall for their valuable time spent in answering the questionnaires given to them. Introduction This is a course work requirement for the Social Studies C.X.C examination. This School Based Assessment (S.B.A) entails the study and results of a Community of the researcher’s choice Brown’s Hall in St. Catherine, Jamaica. It focuses on a specific social problem that the community is currently experiencing, the cause, effects and solutions of a problem. This project is also in the aid of highlighting the problems that face the residents of the community while ensuring confidentiality. Statement of Problem To what extent does inadequate water supply affects the residents of my community? Research Questions 1. What is the level of efficiency of water supply in my community? 2. What is the cause of inadequate water supply in my community? 3. What are some of the effects of inadequate water supply in my community? 4. What...
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