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Retaining in 2020


Submitted By mahmoodsadiq
Words 4432
Pages 18

Retailing 2020:
Winning in a polarized world

PwC and Kantar Retail are pleased to present Retailing 2020, a follow-up study to our original Retailing
2015 report published in 2007. This 2020-focused document identifies and investigates some of the economic drivers that could shape the US retail landscape, as well as components of channel and shopper.
This report also documents an intriguing, forward-looking dynamic as we move from the early 2010s and advance toward the retail landscape of 2020. The current retail landscape has been recovering from the worst economic downturn in memory for most shoppers. At the same time, the US retail market continues to evolve into what we term the Post-Modern market evolution phase, characterized by hypercompetition—both online and off—and signals an era defined by very challenging circumstances to understand and master. In short, the retailers and suppliers willing to ―up their game‖ will likely remain the most viable in a rapidly changing, shopper-driven retail landscape.
We anticipate that the 2020 retail landscape will be shaped by retailers leveraging increasingly complex operational, financial, and brand models. Retailers and suppliers, we believe, will need to address and manage the complexity and diversity of the ―retail realities‖ that make the market challenging. Speed of technological advancements, globalization, and ways to leverage information are some of the drivers that may lead to a more consumer-centric landscape.
This new reality creates several critical implications for retailers and their trading partners. The market forces that are expected to impact the retail industry are significant, but can be leveraged by retail leaders that seek new growth opportunities.
Our research suggests factors that retailers and suppliers should

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