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Proposal Plan, Part I


Submitted By mackhawk1998
Words 877
Pages 4
Week 1
Proposal Plan, Part I
HRM/595-Human Resource Capstone Course
March 5, 2011

Proposal Plan, Part I The proposal plan for Riordan Manufacturing Company is undergoing preparation. In this proposal plan are staffing-related components. Riordan is an organization with growth and increased profitability over the last few years. Employees have assisted in making the contributions. A comprehensive plan will allow additional improvements in the workplace. Accomplishing objectives effectively and implementing suggested practices for the workplace is crucial.
Background and Objectives of Organization Riordan Manufacturing Company has its dealings in the manufacturing industry. Riordan produces plastic injections. The company products are from new technology and developed processes. In the global business environment, Riordan’s market share has increased and grown because of its designing capabilities. The quality measures of the company products are advanced. The objective for the company is to remain in a stable competitive position within the dynamic business environment. Improvement in the level of revenue is something the company can obtain while establishing quality products for their customers. The objective is to change its inventory management system. The company employs more than 500 employees currently while also maintaining its current revenues. This is excessive effort from employees. To maintain the current growth level, an effective comprehensive growth plan is a requirement for the staff members.

Influence of Organizational Behavior on its Effectiveness

In the previous five years, Riordan Manufacturing has shown effective organization performance. Past performance from the company shows the evidence. The revenue has increased substantially within the last five years. Company strategy has influenced

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