...[pic] URCO University Research Coordination Office LS Mezz. 154 - 155 * Local 164 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESEARCH PROPOSAL GUIDELINES POINTS TO CONSIDER RESEARCH TITLE 1. Research Title must be reflective of its problem 2. It must answer the following questions: 1. What question will answer THE FOLLOWING 1. What are you trying to investigate? 2. What are you trying to find out, determine or discover? 2. Who question will answer who are the respondents or subjects of the study 3. Where question will indicate the research locale, setting or the place where the research study is conducted. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1. The proponent should describe the existing and prevailing problem situation based on his/her experience. This scope may be global, national, regional and local. 2. The proponent should give strong justification for selecting such research problem in his/her capacity as a researcher. Being a part of the organization or systems and the desire and concern to improve the systems. 3. The researcher should link and relate the background of the study to the proposed research problem. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1. Related literature includes research findings, published or...
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...Republic of Sudan Federal Ministry of Health Health Research Council The National Technical Advisory Committee |GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF A RESEARCH PROPOSAL | 2007 I. PROPOSAL FRAMEWORK The proposal should include the following sections: title, introduction (background, statement of problem and rationale), objectives, methodology (study design, population, sample size, sampling technique, and instruments of data collection, ethical considerations, and methods of data analysis), budget, organization (work plan and time frame), references and annexes. II. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS Research is systematic, scientific and methodological approach to search for basic facts related to a specific problem aiming to find solutions based on these facts. II.1. Selection of a topic The first step for one intending to do a research work is the selection of the research topic. It is of most importance that the topic should be a priority problem that goes with the national priority research agenda, which may affect a greater number of people or a serious problem being identified by managers or decision-makers. The originality of the work is required unless there is a gap in the previous works. The repetition of works results only in wastage of resources. It is preferred that the selected topic to be relevant to the researcher’s interest and in line with his/her personal and departmental...
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...ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/eng-215-assignment-2-research-proposal-thesis-major-points-plan/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you: • Identify the genre you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it. • Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. • Describe three (3) major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic). • Describe the paper’s scope and outline the major sections. • Identify and explain the questions to be answered. • Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research. • Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. • Document at least three (3) primary sources and three (3) secondary sources. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Nursing | | |NUR/598 Version 4 | | |Research Utilization Project | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This is a graduate research course that focuses on the use of a body of nursing knowledge and scientific knowledge in the nursing practice setting. Students develop a proposal to address a problem or concern in the nursing practice, propose an evidence-based solution, develop an implementation and evaluation plan, and describe implementation strategies for the proposed solution. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be...
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...Guidelines For Summer Project IMT Institute of Management Technology GHAZIABAD Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Project This manual gives guidelines, procedures and rules for the Summer Project. Objective The objective of having a Summer Project Report is to allow the students to organize and report the learning gained in the program and the summer project. The Summer Project Report should be a substantive contribution to the knowledge through integration of literature review and methodology developed pertinent to the understanding and resolution of management problems, and the empirical work done therein. The Summer Project Report should demonstrate competence in using or developing a model or a set of hypotheses, collecting and interpreting data, reaching conclusions and drawing implications for managerial practices. It should also highlight the impact of actions in one area or function, on the other area or functions in the organisation. The recommendations made in the Summer Project Report should be in both quantitative (costs and benefits) as well as qualitative terms, as far as possible. It is pertinent to note that the Summer Project Report represents a visible concrete output and would, therefore, have demonstrable potential enabling individuals to pursue further work on the theme by way of Ph.D. programme. It is also the output which may stand as testimony of the student's demonstrated skills and potential in the managerial arena. Topic...
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...8711622, Ext 57022 Email: dean-hospitality@ku.ac.ke GUIDELINES FOR WRITING ACADEMIC RESEARCH PROPOSALS AND THESES HANDBOOK APRIL 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 2.0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 3.0 4.0 (a) (b) (c) 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 SUPERVISION ................................................................................................................ 4 Responsibilities of Supervisors .................................................................................. 4 FORMAT OF PRELIMINARY PAGES OF A PROPOSAL................................................... 5 Cover Page ................................................................................................................. 5 Student Declaration Page .......................................................................................... 5 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 6 Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................... 6 Operational Definitions of Terms .............................................................................. 6 Abstract...................................................................................................................... 6 FORMAT OF MAIN BODY OF PROPOSAL .................................................................... 7 PROPOSAL PRESENTATION DETAILS .............................
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...STEPS TO WRITING A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT PROPOSAL Master of Counselling (MC) Program University of Lethbridgei Office of Graduate Studies & Research in Education Requirements The Office of Graduate Studies and Research in Education requires a written proposal (5 – 7 pages for MC students, excluding references, double spaced with headings as noted below) in APA format. For steps in the approval process students and supervisors should refer to the Guidelines for Completing the Project. Purposes of a Proposal The project proposal: • • • allows the writer to clarify what it is he/she wants to do, why and how he/she wants to do it, presents what she/he wants to do in the manner and timeframe proposed, and once approved, provides a written contract between the student and the project supervisor Components of a Project Proposal 1. Title The title of the project is very significant. It will go on the spine of the published document when it is bound and becomes accessible in the University of Lethbridge Library. The title is one of the ways that people using the University of Lethbridge electronic search engine will locate the project in the holdings. The title must be clear, appropriate for the topic and less than 45 characters, including spaces and punctuation. 2. Introduction (WHAT is this about?) The Introduction to the project provides a general introduction to the phenomena or issue of interest, and is usually contained in 2 pages. The issue or...
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...PAGE OF DIRECTIONS WHEN SUBMITTING PROPOSAL Final Master’s Thesis Proposal Information Systems Graduate Program School of Information Technology Directions For additional information about Master’s Thesis guidelines and deadlines, please visit: http://grad.illinoisstate.edu/thesis/index.shtml. 1. Fill in the requested information and print out the resulting document. Keep all labels and section headings for identification. Be sure to adhere to all guidelines provided, including approximate length of the document. This document is available electronically at http://it.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/advising/forms.shtml. 2. Obtain the signed approval of your committee chair and member(s) on the cover sheet of this document. Also obtain their signatures on the Graduate School’s “Proposal Approval Form for Research Leading to a Master’s Thesis” form found at http://grad.illinoisstate.edu/downloads/ProposalApproval.pdf. 3. Obtain the IT Director’s signature on the “Proposal Approval Form” before submitting the original copy to the Graduate School and attaching a photocopy of it to the front of this proposal. 4. Submit the photocopied “Proposal Approval Form” and this Final Master’s Thesis Proposal to the IT Graduate Advisor according to the following schedule: Fall Registration: April 1 Spring Registration: November 1 Summer Registration: April 1 5. Once your final thesis proposal is approved, you will be given an...
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...COMPONENTS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Source: Brynard & Hanekom (1997): Introduction to research in Public Administration and related academic disciplines; J L van Schaik Academic Publishers, Pretoria, pages 24- 26) Research encompasses various components which need to be explained or described in a research proposal. The term "research proposal" indicates that a specific course of action will be followed. The following components can be regarded as steps in the writing of the research proposal. They are important and should be followed for the actual composition of the proposal: 1. Title page of the research proposal A research proposal should be submitted with a title page on which full particulars pertaining to the following appear: the name of the researcher; student number; course; and the following wording: Research proposal in preparation of a research project with the following proposed detail:"..... " (For example: "The education in Public Administration of chief directors employed in provincial government departments") 2. Introduction Emphasise the importance of the proposed research and describe the research topic or theme. This is usually done in one or two paragraphs. In all cases it should be stated whether a relationship exists between the proposed research and research undertaken before. If no such research has been undertaken previously, this should be pointed out. 3. Motivation Present, as clearly as possible, the source of interest...
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...method and the fundamentals of |Mon, 11/18/2013 |10 | |Research Paper |research. Address each of the following in your paper: |11:59 PM MST | | | | | | | | |Define the scientific method. How does it relate to human services research? | | | | | | | | | |What are the steps in the process of scientific inquiry? Why must each of these steps be | | | | |included to support the scientific method? Provide a human services research example of the | | | | |scientific method and identify each step within your example. | | | | | | | | | |Define quantitative research and qualitative research. Explain how they differ and relate | | ...
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...Enhancement Project (HEQEP) Dhaka Trade Centre (8th Floor), 99 KaziNazrul Islam Avenue Karwan Bazar, Dhaka 1215, Phone: 8189020-24, Fax 8189021 E-mail: pd.heqep1@gmail.com, Web: www.heqep-ugc.gov.bd University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) UGC Bhaban, Plot No. E-18/A, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207 Phone: 8128172,8128174,8128175,8128177; Fax: 8181615, 8181617, 9114707 E-mail: chairmanugc@yahoo.com, Web: www.ugc.gov.bd Disclaimer This Operations Manual (2nd ed.) should not be considered as a final document that cannot be revised, modified or updated to respond to new challenge or issues that may arise in the course of sub-project implementation and to reflect the new imperatives and lessons learned from the collaborative research experience. It is expected that during the course of sub-project implementation, the need for such revisions/modifications will be considered and if required will be executed by the UGC in consultation with the...
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...PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove this page before submitting your Proposal Template. These instructions will help your proposal to look organized, well-thought-out, and orderly. 2. Remember the key rules about Harvard citation style and presentation: (a) All fonts must be 12 (either Arial or Times New Roman are preferred); (b) All text must be left-justified (meaning you cannot have a straight right margin); (c) All references are to be in Harvard citation format (use the UWLV web site as your primary resource for determining proper form); (d) References are never indented or right-justified. 3. Do not add or change categories in this template. Your proposal must match this template precisely. 4. Present yourself as totally unbiased in all your writings and remember to write in the third person. RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM This template is to be used to outline your proposed research project study: no other formats will be accepted. This form is due to be completed, saved and uploaded to WOLF by the due date for your cohort. So that it is clear who the author of each proposal is, please ensure you submit your proposal saved and named as follows: Proposal_Last Name_Initial (e.g. Proposal –Smith R). This proposal should not exceed 4-5 pages in length, including references; extensive background information is not required. Wording in red is included either for purely illustrative purposes (i.e. to help...
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...Primery Research Proposal 1. Proposal topic name approved by your Supervisor : Ans : yes 2. The name of the topic is mentioned in the order form : Ans : yes 3. The name of the approved topic to work has given below : Ans : An evaluation on pricing strategy of online Marketing and its impact on customer demand management - A Case Study of Adidas UK Please amend the title as per feed back provided by the tutor. Please strictly follow the structure and guidelines. Order Id: EHUK4113 Please read the additional requirements (Please add research hypothesis). NOTE: Please read carefully sample proposal, Marks sheet and guidelines. - need proper Gantt chart like sample attached - need to check how they give marks (mark sheet) so that client can get more marks Page 1/6 Primery Research - need nice presentation, need page numbering and proper table of content - Please check tutor's feedback on proposal A and fix the proposal accordingly. 4. The aim, objectives and research questions of the Proposal are already approved : Ans : yes 5. The attachment of already approved aims, objectives and research question details has already sent in the order form to follow throughout the research : Ans : yes 6. All the documents send in this regards are properly visible, readable and understandable : Ans : yes 7. A structured outline of the Proposal has provided by the SUPERVISOR : a. Number of journals : Ans : 18 b. Number of books : Ans : 4 c. Number of websites...
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...Business Proposal Project Summary Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/psc-495-business-proposal-project-summary/ The purpose of this assignment is to begin drafting an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem you have identified in your organization. There are several parts to this assignment, and each part has been explained and briefly outlined in the "Business Proposal Project Summary" document in the Course Materials. That document should be used as a guide to assist you with constructing key elements of the proposal. Word count guidelines are provided for each section of the business proposal. For this assignment, you will complete the Purpose Statement, Problem Statement, Data and Research Findings, Proposed Solution, Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits, and Implementation Methods sections of the Business Proposal. Much of this content has been generated in the Topic 1-4 assignments, as noted below. 1. Purpose Statement (100-250 words) provides clear statement of why the business proposal is being made. 2. Problem Statement(revised as needed from Topic 1 assignment feedback) including specific data (statistics and numbers) related to how the problem impacts the business. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 1 of the Topic 2 assignment. 3. Data and Research Findings(250-500 words) should include a summary of what you learned from conducting research related...
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...Corporate governance Corporate governance: basic stance Honda considers corporate governance one of the most important management issues. We’re strengthening it on the basis of our fundamental corporate philosophy, aiming to have the global community—including our customers, shareholders and investors—place even greater trust in us as we strive to be a company society wants to exist. To ensure objective oversight of management, Honda appoints outside directors to its Board of Directors and outside auditors to its Board of Auditors. To strengthen its business execution system in each region and workplace, as well as enhance the supervisory function of the Board of Directors, Honda has introduced an Operating Officer System. To help its Board of Directors respond quickly to changing business environments, as well as to improve the flexibility of its decisionmaking process, Honda limits directors’ assignments to one year and Corporate Governance: Organization Board of Auditors: 5 Auditors (Outside Auditors: 3 Auditors) Business Ethics Committee: 6 Officers Compliance Officer Regional Sales Operations (Japan) Regional Operating Board Risk Management Officer Regional Operations (North/ Central America) Regional Operating Board determines their compensation in accordance with business results. Based on its fundamental corporate philosophy, Honda has refined its organizational structure. A general manager from the Board of Directors or an Operating Officer is now assigned to...
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