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Proposition 64: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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Proposition 64 legalized the recreational use of marijuana for adults. It also allowed people convicted of marijuana charges to petition courts to toss out the cases or reduce penalties. Therefore, it would be appropriate to release jailed individuals who are convicted of minor marijuana offenses. “Fundamentally, I think it’s incredibly unjust for anyone to keep being punished for activity that is no longer a crime,” said Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland council member. Doing so would serve tremendous benefits to the communities, families, financial, medical etc. Many people who are incarcerated for simple possession with felonies, once released, find it hard to obtain jobs, community housing, vote, or even receive federal funds for college. Removal …show more content…
Marijuana is one of the only schedule 1 drugs that has multiple uses, but it often receives a lot of backlash because of the effects it has on the mind and body. However, no death has occurred due to overdose, and there have been no reports of marijuana causing cancer or emphysema. In addition, this drug is served in so many forms and methods, such as: vaporizers, edibles, hash, herbal for smoking, tropical oils and now medicinal. Many Americans around the world believe it’s a gateway drug, but marijuana reduces the dependability of other prescribed painkillers such as this nation’s hot commodity opioids. Even President Thomas Jefferson once said, “hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.” In early 2015, 23 states legalized marijuana, and by January 2018, voters voted for the legalization of marijuana and are now more open to the wide variety of uses. In addition to the legalization of marijuana, some states only allowed for it to be used for medical usage to treat specific disorders and other medical reasons. Such as epilepsy, chronic pain and nausea, anti- cancer effects and much more. Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug which means it has a higher potential for drug abuse. Abuse as we know means to use something for a bad effect or purpose. In this case, abuse is misused in web article Drug Fact Sheet- Marijuana on the website. They categorize marijuana as a form of abuse instead of classifying it or naming the category “methods of usage” etc. All of the other schedule 1 drugs are complete mind and body altering drugs, like heroin and methaqualone. The alternative and synthetic drug Marinol can be prescribed to control vomiting and nausea which is due to the effects during chemotherapeutic agents in cancer patients, patients with multiple sclerosis and also to stimulate an appetite in

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