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Elderly Advertising Paper

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Your Name
University Name Advertising Directed Toward Elderly Consumers
Advertising is a common practice among all businesses. While there are many methods of advertising, the focus of any advert is to create an awareness of the advertised product or service, with the aim of having as many customers as possible buying the product/ service. While some adverts have effectively achieved their goal and generated significant profits for their companies, there are other ads that have backfired and consequently paint a negative image about the company. This paper discusses two examples of good adverts towards the elderly, as well as bad ads that turned out to be criticized as not appropriate for the elderly.
Examples of the bad ads towards the elderly
An example of a bad ad was the Carfax ad featuring an elderly woman attempting to drive her car out of the garage (Carfax, 2000). This commercial suggests the …show more content…
Although the ad portrays an older couple, their conversation describes an active lifestyle that includes travel and ends with them carrying their canoe down to the water implying they are going out on the lake. Through the couple’s conversation, the company provides details about the coverage to ensure that the viewers understand the available options. With this commercial, AARP does not suggest that older people are unable to live the normal, active lives that many younger people do. There is no stereotyping suggesting that the elderly are weak or helpless. As noted in Senior Citizens Market, 2003, “developing promotional efforts based on lifestyles, attitudes, and interests…has been much more fruitful”. This is a successful commercial because it promotes the insurance coverage that meets the needs of the targeted market, active, successful senior citizens without stooping to belittling the

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