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Theatre Performance Analysis

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Assignment 1
Attending experimental / post-modern theatre performances is what I consider the most fulfilling cultural activity. It is because these performances combine, and give me the opportunity to realize a variety of values that I hold dear, in that one environment.
Firstly, my participation as a spectator has a personal importance: it enables me to satisfy my curiosity and educates me further about the art form. The symbolism, the manner of expression and other content-related properties of the play may challenge my skills of interpretation and make me work in order to make sense of the situations presented on stage. This helps me realise the value of personal growth. In other cases, less complex values drive me to attend these performances, such as my need for entertainment. All …show more content…
The actors, the audience, the scriptwriter and director are all part of that experience. It is a sense of togetherness that relates to my social values.

A third aspect that is important to me is the transcended dimension of my theatre experience: the sense of enlightenment that I might experience after seeing a particularly good show, or appreciation for the aesthetic excellence displayed are such factors. Although my transcendental values are not always realized in the theatre experience (the show might leave me disappointed, rather than enlightened), it is my striving for their realization, the search for beauty, for the shocking, the unique that makes me choose going to the performance over a cosy night at home.
A number of plays emphasise the political, the actual, and speak about issues that the society at large struggles with. Such performances usually bring in foreground my societal values, helping me realize how important freedom is to the oppressed, how desired peace is by humans and how war acts against us, etc. (Klamer,

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