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Smoking Should Be Banned In Nursing Research

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Do you smoke? No, I do not smoke.

Are you able to tolerate smoking? Yes, I am tolerable when others are smoking.

Have you ever felt that you should cut down on your alcohol consumption? No, I have never have felt that I need to cut down on my alcohol consumption.

Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? No, no one has ever criticized my drinking.

Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? No, I have never felt bad about my drinking.

Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to calm your nerves or get rid of a hangover? No, I do not drink first thing in the morning to calm my nerves or get rid of a hangover.

Do you have any health concerns of which we should be aware of? No, I am healthy. …show more content…
Describe how you plan to manage these health concerns while in Nottingham.

Describe how you will be a good “ambassador” for American nursing. Describe what your behavior will be like if you are asked to participate in a British field trip or guest lecture that you may find less than fascinating. How do you personally make a good, professional impression? Making a good professional impression includes paying attention even if the topic is not totally interesting. In addition to paying full attention, asking the lecturer or the leader on the field trips questions shows that you are engaged and eager to learn. This is why I want to go on this trip to learn about other countries’ health care systems. Other great professional impressions include dressing appropriately, showing up on time, and being on task. This includes not being on your phone or computer during a lecture. All of these will help make me be a good ambassador for American nursing.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Describe a situation where you had a disagreement or conflict with a roommate. How did you resolve the …show more content…
One of my roommates was upset that his car was getting blocked in all the time, since we only have a two-car garage for four cars. Street parking is not always easy to find and we do not wish to receive a parking ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street. When this conflict arose, I told the other housemates that we need to sit down and discuss these issues. We all sat down to discuss the issues, and were able to come to a solution. I helped resolve other issues between two of the roommates during this conversation. Being honest about one’s feelings is important. When there is an issue, it needs to be addressed as soon a possible so it does not keep growing and become even bigger than the first issue. Additionally, living in a household with three others, there are going to be times of conflict, but it is important to learn how to compromise so that everyone can be happy.
Describe a situation where you had to be flexible and “go with the flow”.
One situation where I had to be flexible was living with my roommates this year. We had a conflict with the parking situation and in order to reslovle the conflict I had to be flexible with where I parked my car. Even though it would be really nice to have my car parked in the carage, I said that I would be flexible and I would park my car in the

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