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Stati Dynamic Stretching

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Controversies in Your Profession Assignment
When considering the controversy over stretching a realization came to me: Contemplating the pros and cons of stretching is like statistics. It would almost seem that the results depend on who conducted the experiment, who the subjects were, what area of the body they were focusing on, and what is the field of interest of the studies overseers. The big question is whether (or not) stretching prevents injury? Factors that I believe are important to consider are: the type of stretching, effects on ligaments and tendons versus muscles, each individual’s physiology, what muscle being stretched, when the stretching occurs (before, during, or after physical activity), what the physical activity is in relation to the stretching, and whether or not you already stretch as part of your warm-up routine. To stretch, or not to stretch, that is the question. Wait, maybe it should be stretching, why and what for?
A break down and review of the different types of stretches:
Static Stretching – this is a stretch that is held in a position intended to be somewhat challenging while remaining comfortable, typically between 10 – 30 seconds. …show more content…
Although dynamic stretching requires more consideration into movement than static stretching, it is apparently beneficial in improvement range of motion and mobility in both sports and daily activities. This mode incorporates stretching into your warm-up activity. Furthermore, it has been proven that a warm-up is beneficial in decreasing the occurrences of injury, while stretching has not. In fact, not only does stretching not decrease the risk of injury, in some cases it increases the risk. This has been proven in numerous trial over a large span of time, 30+ years. (many trials, as outlined by Ian Shrier in numerous

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