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Life After High School

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Pages 3
At the present students who attend Alpena High school are required to take a set amount of math, english, science, and social studies classes if they want to graduate high school. If all the required classes are not completed, students are not allowed to receive their high school diplomas. This is not the most effective way to prepare a student to enter the workforce or college. The best and most efficient method to educate and ready students for life after high school is to get rid of required classes and let students pick their own classes because: they can better prepare themselves for their career and college, college tuition could be reduced, students would not be restricted in their choice of classes, and required classes waste the time of both students and teachers.
If required classes are eliminated students would be able to better prepare themselves for life after high school, whether that be college or work. By being able to choose their classes in high school students would be able to take classes to better ready themselves for their career and potentially eliminate having to go to a trade school or college. For example, someone who is planning to enter the workforce right out of high school would have the …show more content…
The career classes you take in high school better prepare you for furthering your knowledge in your career interest, an example of this is taking the Health Care Occupations class instead of taking your regular health class when you want to be a registered nurse. When your school offers career interest classes that help get you better prepared college it can give you greater chances towards finishing college with the same major that you started with. Starting and finishing with the same major in college saves you oodles of money. This can only happen when students are allowed to take the classes that would benefit

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