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5.06 War Case Study

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5. The over-riding concern was of the “indiscriminate destructive effects, and, because its use set an extremely hazardous precedent to the future of mankind.” Dropping the A-Bomb would “destroy all our chances” …of “and international agreement on prevention of nuclear warfare…[being] achieved.” In the Szilard petition, it was suggested that “Japan should be given an opportunity to surrender” and that such a step (dropping the bomb) ought not be taken without “seriously considering the moral responsibilities which are involved.” “The atomic bombs at our disposal represent only the first step in…[which] there is almost no limit to the destructive power that will become available in the course of their future development.” “A nation which sets the precedent…may have to live with the responsibility of opening the door to an …show more content…
As a “fanatical socialist” he considered Jews to “be the enemy of the people” and therefore he should “treat them the same way as any prisoner.” Although the creation of Auschwitz and its scale was “extraordinary” and “monstrous”, he felt “the reasoning behind the extermination order seemed correct” …and [he] “wasted no thoughts about it at the time.” In his statement he says that, “This mass killing of Jews [as] necessary or not was something about which [he] could not allow himself to form an opinion” …since


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