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Protection from Those Who Would Harm Us


Submitted By Hydro53
Words 550
Pages 3
Protection from Those Who Would Harm Us One of the most important missions man has ever had is to protect his family and his home from external and internal threats. The basis for this mission has not changed much from the time of living in caves to the present day two story houses. The only thing that has essentially changed is how we go about protecting ourselves from these external and internal threats. With the rapid growth of the internet, it has become essential to be cautious of the unseen threats that lurk in cyberspace. This essay is going to touch on the relevance of network security and the protection of families. One of the greatest missions placed upon all of God’s children is to protect one another. "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel" (1 Timothy 5:8). The greatest weapon God bestowed upon us to protect our families and each other was the Bible. The teachings of the Bible can be compared to a firewall in network security in that the Bible gives Christians a set of rules to live by. A firewall is network security device or host software that filters communications, usually network traffic, based on a set of predefined rules (Stewart, 2011). Each predefined rule in a firewall has a specific task, just like each story in the Bible gives God’s children a specific life lesson. The church that a Christian attends closely relates to a secure Local Area Network (LAN). A LAN is a network confined to a limited geographic distance (Stewart, 2011). You will never find a better example of a network that is confined to a limited geographic distance than you will at a church on Sunday morning. The church is the secure location that Christians can assemble and rejoice in all of God’s glory. Christians can always experience the protection of the church even when

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