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Psychodrama Therapy

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Negative Effects and Coping Methods in Children of Addiction/Adult Children of Addiction (COA/ACOA) In this research we will be analyzing the group therapy methods of: psychodrama therapy, and Al-Anon and ACOA twelve step group recovery programs, while discussing the effectiveness of each on the psychological, educational and social damage from parental addiction. In order to determine their effectiveness we will first look at the history and processes of each institution drawing from the works of Tian Dayton in “Psychodrama in the Psychotherapy of Adults Who Have Been Raised in Addictive Families (ACOAs), Isaac Youcha’s "Long-Term Psychological and Physiological Consequences of Trauma in Childhood Revisited: Implications for the Group Therapist's …show more content…
Psychodrama helps ACoAs do more than talk about their parent’s dynamics. It allows them to see and experience them being played out; it also gives them valuable practice in correcting these patterns in vivo within the drama” (Dayton). He asserts that in order to recover from the trauma of parental addiction, one must fully address and release the trauma by reenacting it with a more desired outcome. According to Dayton there are three steps in the psychodrama group therapy method: “1. the warm up, psychodrama sessions usually begin with warm-ups, group exercises that stimulate free association and affect, quick and meaningful connections within the group. 2. The Enactment Phase (the Drama) action or enactment part of a psychodrama group session involves role playing, role reversal and doubling. 3. Sharing, the final stage in which every member of the group, are invited to discuss what was evoked for them by the drama and the different roles that emerged relative to their personal lives.” (Dayton) The concept is that by fully re-enacting the trauma and re-writing them into more positive memories and roles, ACOAs will be able to heal and move forward with their

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