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Parental Involvement Analysis

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Part one of Epstein’s framework of overlapping spheres of influence looks at the parent and family (Hornby, Lafaele 2011). Parent and Family factors that create challenges to involvement include a lack of understanding of the home school partnerships, lack of understanding of the school system; lack of confidence, work interference, negative past experiences with schools, and insensitivity or hostility on the part of the school personnel (Öztürk 2013).

Parents who believe that their role is only to get children to school, which then takes over responsibility for their education, will not be willing to be actively involved in either school‐based or home‐based parental involvement. (Hornby, Lafaele 2011). On the other hand some parents believe …show more content…
Personal life context refers to parents’ skills and knowledge and the perceived time and energy parents can expend to become involved (Murray et al. 2014). Parents with low educational attainment may lack the requisite sets of skills and knowledge to assist their children with their homework or other school needs. (Murray et al. 2014). Work often serves as a barrier for low-income parents to devote time to attend school meetings, volunteer at the school, or participate in other parent involvement activities (Murray et al. 2014).

Parents who experience these barriers such as work and time constraints may also experience psychological barriers. For example, low-income parents who struggle to provide for their families’ basic needs may experience negative mental health effects including depression, which may limit parents’ capacity to engage in school activities (Murray et al. …show more content…
Some schools may not want parents to be very involved in their child’s education. Some parents' valued education and would like to be more involved, but their involvement was limited by the sense that their roles were distinct from those of schools (Watson, Sanders-Lawson, McNeal 2012). School officials can have the attitude that parents were too lazy, incompetent, or preoccupied to participate in school programs; such enduring beliefs can limit communication between the home and school (Watson, Sanders-Lawson, McNeal 2012). Teachers and parents each bring their own personal attitudes that are deeply rooted within their own historical, economic, educational, ethnic, class and gendered experiences(Hornby, Lafaele 2011). There persists amongst many teachers a deficit model of parents which is manifested through attitudes whereby parents are viewed as “problems”, “vulnerable”, or “less able” and are therefore best kept out of schools (Hornby, Lafaele 2011). This leads to the question should school teachers educate children while parents humbly support the schools? Or, Are parents the main educators of their child, while schools supplement home‐learning with specialist expertise? (Hornby, Lafaele 2011). Differing attitudes on this point will have major repercussions for how Parental Involvement is perceived,

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