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What Is Bhagavad Gita

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The Bhagavad Gita argues that there is an embodied self that is separate from the body, while Milinda’s Questions argue that there is no such self. In this paper I am going to represent Milinda’s Questions as a counterargument for Bhagavad Gita by reconstructing the arguments from both teachings and comparing their claims.
In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna gives counsel to Arjuna who is refusing to fight in the battle against his brothers. He argues that there is an entity called self that is separate from the body thus it cannot be killed.
Krishna suggests that he and Arjuna and everyone have always existed because of the self. When Arjuna states that he believes he shall not fight and seeks Krishna’s help, Krishna tells him that no one has ever not existed and it is impossible to not exist:
Never have I not existed, nor you, nor these kings; and never in the future shall we cease to exist (2.12)
He continues by arguing that invisible self can enter a new body just as the embodied self enters different ages. In reality, Krishna claims, nonbeing cannot exist, while being can not cease to exist.
Krishna encourages Arjuna to fight the bottle since self, according to him, can not be killed. He explicitly states that while "bodies are known to end" (2.18), the …show more content…
After inspecting the chariot in which Milinda arrived, Nagasena questions Milinda whether the chariot is one it its parts (the pole, the axel, the wheels) and if the chariot is all those parts combined. (p. 37) Milinda says no. Milinda also agrees that there is no chariot apart from those parts. (p. 37) Nagasena concludes that since the king agreed to the statements above he should agree that the chariot is only a sound and there is simply no chariot. Yet, the king arrived in the chariot. Thereby Nagasena proves that Milinda is inconsistent. Nagasena says that Milinda

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