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Psychology Internet


Submitted By kt59
Words 1199
Pages 5
Summarise & Reflect 1 Student Number: Title of Topic:
Psychology and Politics i) Rate your feelings about this topic by marking a point on each of the three scales: Not at all Extremely
Interesting +----------------------------------------------------------------------X Important +----------------------------------------------------------------------X Difficult +-------------------------------------------X--------------------------- ii) Outline the key concepts and the 'message' of this topic (300-500 words) Lecture: Psychology holds a strong influence in politics with psychologists having contributed to improvements across a number of social institutions and practices. Throughout history, many theories have determined political administration.
Behaviourist B.F Skinner introduced a utopian concept to shape society through positive reinforcement. Skinner believed that a forsaking of false belief in behavioural independence and an adoption of necessary control was essential for society.
Whereas, psychiatrist Franz Kallman possessed an extremist view towards schizophrenia and argued for the sterilization of schizophrenics and healthy relatives due to research that indicated the disorder as a genetic phenomenon.
The 21st century saw the medicalization of mental health disorders which commentators Thomas Szasz and R.D Laing claimed was a form of social control. Labelling mental health was seen as a way to control deviant behaviour and stigmatise non-conformity. They had differing view points with Laing claiming a socially determined approach to mental health and Szasz supporting dualism.
The use of intelligence tests were abused in the USA and Germany with eugenic practices such as sterilization and murder to limit immigration and reproduction in low scorers.
Whilst Cyril Burt's

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