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Women Dating Research Paper

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With the rise of electronics in recent decades, society has seen a shift in dating trends. These trends have been initiated by the rapid and convenient methods of finding new partners, this trend, accompanied with the increase in women equality in both the social and work environments. Women have found an increase in freedom when it comes to relationships, more specifically they have adopted a more no strings attached dating style. This style is where they essentially hook-up for a night, and the next morning parting ways with no strings attached to the person they just spent the night with. As a direct result of this new dating trend of the recent decades, certain groups of women have lost the respect of men. The type of women might be fun to spend a night with, but in the long term, women due lose something due to the presence of this new dating trend. That something, is the respect from certain groups of men. Women who hook up with random guys from tinder, are generally seen as easy to get, and often times not the ideal relationship material as they might see you as another night. With the invention and increase of internet technology in the recent decades, there has been an increase of casual hookups. This is where men and women use the …show more content…
Women have changed the way relationships are seen as, they have created an environment where casual hookups are okay to society. But associated with these hookups is a lowering of respect for the participants in the hookups. Specifically the women in the relationships, as they have produced feelings of disloyalty, unwantedness, and lowering of men’s confidence. However as the respect for women is altered, so is the respect for men. That is why with the presence of hookups, both men and women will continue to accrue negative losses on par with the ever changing relationship

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