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Public Opinion: The Role Of Political Parties In The United States

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Public opinion is defined as the views prevalent among the general public. Some researchers asked several different people about the monetary control bill of 1983. Some said they favored the bill, some said they did not. Little did they know that the monetary control bill was actually nonexistent. This is due to public ignorance. Polls have a way of manipulating the answers of people by wording the questions the way they want the answer to go. The questions may focus on one side of an issue at the expense of another. Also, polls are manipulated easily due to not being very educated on the topic and not having a passion for it, as David Moore stated in “The Opinion Makers.” Moore said they weren’t accurate all the time, for example, when they …show more content…
The best studied case of a opinion information is that of party identification, and most young people identify with your parents political party. As time progresses and as they get older, they become more independent. Young voters have always had a weaker sense of partisanship, But the decline in partisanship has occurred at all age levels. The meaning of partisanship is unclear in most families because there are liberal and conservative Democrats as well as liberal and conservative Republicans. Clear political ideologies are communicated to small proportions of children raised in families where politics is a dominant topic of conversation and political views are strongly held. Religious traditions affect families. Catholic families are somewhat liberal on economic issues than white protestant ones. Jewish families are much more liberal all around then Catholics and Protestants. There are two theories why this is. The first has to do with the social status of religious groups in America. For example Catholics and Jews were often poor and discriminated against, so they affiliated themselves with parties that felt bad for them or would help them. The second theory emphasize the content of the religious tradition. For example Jews emphasize social justice while protestants emphasize personal salvation. This leads to Jews being more liberal and protestants being more conservative on social issues. Religious differences …show more content…
Back then, A liberal was a person who favored personal and economic liberty, and A conservative was a person who opposed the excess of the French Revolution, and its emphasis was on restoration of the power of the state, the church, and the aristocracy. Franklin D Roosevelt used the term liberal to refer to his political programs during the New Deal, which began to change these terms. Then in 1964, Barry Goldwater was the major first US politician to proclaim himself a conservative. The way he saw himself, a conservative was someone who favored a free market and states rights over national supremacy. Though the meanings have changed, they are still

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