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Political Party Group Analysis

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There was a time when there was only one political party was during the year 1787 where this group went under the name of the Federalists. This group was created by Hamilton as well as other members in order to create a new central government that they thought would prove to be stronger. However this shortly changed because, “In 1796, anti-Federalists gathered around Jefferson” (The Origins and Functions of Political Parties). Instead, this group believed in a national government that would be stronger than the central government. These groups each developed separately from the people that supported them, with the Federalists being backed up by people such as business men and bankers. This is drastically different because Jefferson’s party …show more content…
The importance of this is that it allows for people to go into election with a title under their name so voters know the ideals of each candidate and if the voter supports a certain group, which one that he or she should vote for. One of the other roles is that since, the two parties are currently fighting for power in congress, it makes sure each group is checked by one another. What this allows for is for, “Party leaders can publicly criticize actions of a President who was elected by the opposite party” (Political Parties). Not only this, but each group has their own ideas and for this reason, it allows for political parties to address issues to the public and express their ways that they could be able to deal with these problems to make the situation better for citizens of the United States. The last task that the political parties handle is the organization of the government. This tends to happen because each group tends to congregate with those who have the same thoughts and often tends to create party affiliations. How this impacts government is that, “Legislative Representatives usually support their party's position when considering potential laws and policies, and most votes fall roughly along party lines” (Political Parties). As a result of this, people who are a part of a political party, have a certain view in politics which decides what they choose to agree and disagree

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