...Homeless Veterans QNT/275 05/16/2016 Joseph Krupka Homeless Veterans There are too many homeless veterans living on the streets. Our American veterans have put their lives on the line, yet America still allows for its veterans to live on the streets with no shelter. I am on a mission still, a mission to help the veterans get off the streets. The Star of Hope Mission is a nonprofit organization that was founded back in 1906. The founder Reverend Pevoto arrived in Houston with a vision. According to "Star Of Hope" (2016), Mr. Pevotos mission was to come to “establish a refuge for Houston’s lost community of men—men who had fallen on hard times and never recovered, men who were alcoholic, helpless and hopeless with no place to go. It was to be named the Star of Hope Mission” (History). I currently work for the Star of Hope mission as a homeless outreach specialist and veteran subject matter expert. As a disabled veteran myself. It saddens me to see that about 20% of the homeless people that I come across have served their country and still live on the streets. I have come up with the 20% based off of some sampling that I have collected while out in the field working. On every Wednesday, I hand out Hygiene kits and water at the (EAC) Houston Emergency Aid Coalition as I hand out goods I would ask each client if they are a veteran or not. Asking the clients allows me to determine if there are additional programs to get our clients permanent housing. My results where...
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...QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB NTC 409 Complete Class QNT 275 WEEK 5 MYSTATLAB To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/qnt-275-week-5-mystatlab/ Contact...
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...QNT 275 NEW FINAL EXAM 2016 Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/qnt-275-new-final-exam-2016/ What is the name of the variable that's used to predict another variable? Explanatory Standard error of the estimate Response Coefficient of determination Professors at a local university earn an average salary of $80,000 with a standard deviation of $6,000. The salary distribution is approximately bell-shaped. What can be said about the percentage of salaries that are at least $74,000? About 97.5 percent About 84 percent About 68 percent About 95 percent What type of relationship is indicated in the scatterplot? A positive linear or curvilinear relationship No relationship A negative curvilinear relationship A negative linear relationship The study of statistics can be defined as: the art and science of getting information from data. All of the answers the language of data. the study of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data. In the accompanying stem-and-leaf diagram, the values in the stem and leaf portions represent 10s and 1s digits, respectively. The stem-and-leaf diagram shows that the distribution is ___________. symmetric positively skewed negatively skewed None of the answers Which of the following is most influenced by outliers? Median Mode 75th percentile Mean serial correlation is typically observed in: sparse data outliers cross-sectional data time series data n the sample regression equation...
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...QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/qnt-275-mymathlab-30-questions-final-exam/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM QNT 275 MYMATHLAB 30 QUESTIONS FINAL EXAM To purchase...
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...Statistics in Business Created By: Fredrick Jay Harder Created On: March 21st, 2016 Inspired By: Qnt 275 Taught By: Merry Gallo If a business has access to reliable data then they can make decisions that will positively impact the business much easier. Without reliable data a business can not thrive because all businesses need data they can rely on to make progress in their prospective field. Luckily, there are statistics that will help to get reliable data to make such important decisions. After all, decisions are not well founded without data or the language thereof. Obtaining that data or language thereof on one's own makes resources spread further as well. Statistics is known as the language of data. This language is about gathering data, delivering the data, and understanding the data. Statistics and mathematics are very closely related as statistics is the mathematical way to analyze data and observe data. Statistics also equips those who use it with tools to foresee based on the data gathered and is useful in not only business but is also useful in science, health, and government. (Stine &Foster, 2014) After all, science, health, and government need data on a regular basis in order to make informed decisions. This is why being fluent in statistics is very recommended for almost any profession in existence. Using statistics cuts out the “gray area” or guesswork of life's information in large proportions. With statistics, it is similar to an opinionated conversation...
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...Option 2: Data Set Activity Chentell Duberry QNT 275 December 07, 2015 Dr. Kenneth C. Sherman Student Data Set Student | Gender | Age | Jenny | F | 42 | Sandy | F | 36 | Linda | F | 29 | Lilly | F | 54 | Nichole | F | 32 | Sally | F | 23 | Lisa | F | 22 | Brook | F | 38 | John | M | 60 | Dave | M | 43 | Shawn | M | 25 | Kurt | M | 47 | Brandon | M | 52 | Brian | M | 35 | Gender Chart Box Plot Calculation of central tendency and variability for the age and gender Male | Female | 60 | 42 | 43 | 36 | 25 | 29 | 47 | 54 | 52 | 29 | 35 | 23 | | 22 | | 38 | Mean Male : 43.67 | Female : 34.5 | Range Male : 60-25+1 = 36 | Female : 54 – 22 + 1 = 33 | Variance and Standard Deviation Male: Age | Mean | x | x2 | 60 | 43.67 | 16.33 | 266.67 | 43 | 43.67 | -0.67 | 0.4489 | 25 | 43.67 | -18.67 | 348.5689 | 47 | 43.67 | 3.33 | 11.0889 | 52 | 43.67 | 8.33 | 69.3889 | 35 | 43.67 | -8.67 | 75.1689 | s2= x2N-1 = 771.33345=154.2665 s= s2= 154.2665=12.4201 Female: Age | Mean | x | x2 | 42 | 34.5 | 7.5 | 56.25 | 36 | 34.5 | 1.5 | 2.25 | 29 | 34.5 | -5.5 | 30.25 | 54 | 34.5 | 19.5 | 380.25 | 32 | 34.5 | -2.5 | 6.25 | 23 | 34.5 | -11.5 | 132.25 | 22 | 34.5 | -12.5 | 156.25 | 38 | 34.5 | 3.5 | 12.25 | s2= x2N-1 = 7767=110.8571 s= s2= 110.8571=10.52887 The distribution of Male ages has more variability than female ages but there are more female students than male...
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...Littletown Café Data Analysis QNT/275 January 25, 2016 The Littletown Café has a different schedule it’s busy season and off season. Careful analysis of statistical data will aid in future decisions for the business. By using qualitative and qualitative data, information gathered can determine the number of staff that is needed for the busy season. Graphs and charts are used when presenting this type of data to show variations between seasons. As with any data, there can be several factors that can influence the validity of the data if it isn’t consistent, such as if there is an abundance of discrepancies in the data sets that could potentially compromise its validity. Some factors that would affect the validity of the set would be weather, temperature, and construction. The continuous changes in these factors could determine whether business will be good or bad. Reliability of the data set can convey the genuine, dependable, constant, and the consistency. Misplaced documents of employee’s record could also affect the reliability of the set. Another problem is no-shows and illnesses could offset the information trying to be analyzed. The steps taken for my conclusion about the validity and reliability was to check and make sure if the data was consistent and if the process was collected was valid for the study. This gave me a chance to check the data to make sure that everything was good enough to be included in the study.Central tendency and variability give us a more...
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...Statistics Keegan Rodgers QNT/275 1/10/15 Kim Gravelle Statistics There are many types of statistics. At its core though, statistics is; according to the American Statistical Association; “Statistics is the science of learning from data, and of measuring, controlling, and communicating uncertainty; and it thereby provides the navigation essential for controlling the course of scientific and societal advances (Davidian, M. and Louis, T. A., 10.1126/science.1218685).” Business Decisions and Statistics Using statistics for business decision-making is not new. In fact, it’s centuries old. Any time a farmer kept a record of what crops sold at a given price that he then used to adjust his planting the next year, used statistics for a business decision. Today one need only search the database available on the USDA website to access statistics from over 70 years ago. (USDA, 2015) No one can see the future or what it holds. That being said, statistics; if used correctly and with good valid data, it can help eliminate as many guesses as possible to guide the future of a given business. Let’s say, for example, you are a business owner making and selling a widget. The goal is to sell as many widgets as possible at a price that covers the cost of materials, labor and overhead that are needed to make the widgets. Statistics will ensure that you have enough information to make decisions that will have a positive impact...
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...Business Decision Making Project, Part 3 Ashley Graves, Demetria Hazlett, Latoya Hughes, and Melanie vonKoenig QNT/275 February 16, 2015 Robert Schaller Business Decision Making Project, Part 3 Inferential Statics Method Our team decided to use a combination of things to accurately analyze the surveys that are given to the students to determine a teacher’s bonus. We found that quantitative sample, which is numerical data that is descriptive was the most helpful analysis to be used in this case. This helped us interpret the data that was collected for Demetria’s surveys. Numerical data is a big part of what determines Demetria’s bonus. Even the surveys that don’t get completed or turned in still affect her bonus. Which is the reason that we decided to go with descriptive statistics is because it is the easiest way to present raw data so that can be understood easily. Because of the large amount of data that we used (from August 2013 to February 2015) descriptive statistics helped us analyze the data the best way possible. Applying the Data The way that we applied the data in this business problem is by using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics helps us see the bigger picture of it all. The issue seems to boil down to that when some students are not participating in the surveys and or are just selecting random answers, both are affecting teachers score tremendously. This is non-accurate information that needs to be corrected. ...
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...Statistics in Business Donnita Piggee QNT/275 January 25, 2016 Joshua West STATISTICS IN BUSINESS When you think about statistics, what comes to mind? A bunch of numbers, percentages, groupings? What are statistics? Statistics is the science of learning from data, and of measuring, controlling, and communicating uncertainty; and provides the navigation essential for controlling the course of scientific and societal advances (Davidian, M. and Louis, T. A., 10.1126/science.1218685). Statistics is considered to be the language of data, usually large amounts of data, broken down and organized so we can make sense of it. Our text says that a knowledge of statistics allows us to differentiate between sound or questionable conclusions. Two Types of Data There are two types of data used in statistics-quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data relates to how much or how many of something, just like in quantity. What is the price of that car? abs.gov.au. (07/2013). These are quantitative data whose values are expressed by numbers. In contrast, qualitative data refers to the quality of values, such as what type or which category, is the quality of your data. The color of the car you’re choosing is an example of qualitative data and does not involve numeric data. Four Scale Levels In order to appropriately summarize and analyze data, we need to be able to differentiate between measuring scales. There are four scales-nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. First, the...
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...Business Decision Making Final Deborah Barnett QNT/275 09/28/2015 Tracy Sipma Business Decision Making Final The company that our team decided to use was the Honeywell Company, which is an aerospace division for global aftermarket services. This division repairs jet engines and other parts and processes around 1000 orders per week. The problem that we have found with this company is that it has what is called a “Hold Shelf”. This is where orders, products and information is stored or removed from the process. It causes a problem in the inventory and can be very costly. It also causes problems in variation. When these items get placed on the hold shelf then they are considered to be out of the inventory. In order to try and solve the problem we need to consider why these things are happening and what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again. First, we need to find out who is responsible for putting the orders on hold and not putting them back into the inventory. Then we need to find out the reason they are being put on hold. When items get cancelled someone should be responsible for seeing that it gets put back into the inventory instead of put on a shelf and left out of the inventory. Someone else could be looking to order that particular item and if it is not in inventory and sitting on a shelf then the company would be losing money. The sales would increase and the cost would decrease. Last week the data was broke down and we looked at the amount of time...
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...Statistics in Business QNT/275 Our assignment was to collect data about our chosen business problem, which we addressed in the first part of the project. The problem is the difficulty of reaching the target audience to market the free wireless devices and services to them while filtering through the negative and irrelevant responses from people that don't need the service. The opportunity that StandUP Wireless has is to make a profit while providing a much needed service to people that could not otherwise afford cellular service. So we have seen that we need to address how people qualify to receive a phone from the Lifeline program launched by StandUP Wireless, so Kimberly illustrated that to participate in the program, subscribers must either have an income that is at or below 135% of the federal Poverty Guidelines or participate in one of the following assistance programs: * Medicaid; * Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP); * Supplemental Security Income (SSI); * Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8); * Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); * Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF); * National School Lunch Program's Free Lunch Program; * Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance; * Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF); * Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR); * Head Start (if income eligibility criteria...
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...Statistics in Business Debbie Masterson University of Phoenix Statistics for Decision Making QNT/275 Charlene Dunfee December 13, 2014 Statistics in Business In today’s very competitive and global economic climate, it is ever more important for businesses to have reliable data to predict and plan. Definition of Statistics and Role in Decision-Making Statistics are the collection, presentation and interpretation of data. Statistics is a branch of mathematics and is a mathematical analysis of data or observations. Statistics also provide tools to predict and forecast based on the data collected and is applicable to not only businesses but to science, health and government (Stine & Foster, 2014). The use of statistics will help businesses and individuals make decisions by reducing the amount of guesswork and uncertainty of making decisions with no data to support them. Statistics provide unbiased data and evidence, lending a level of confidence to the leaders and employees that their decisions are reasonable and sound. Types and Levels of Statistics The types of data are qualitative, or non-numeric, and quantitative, or numeric (Stine & Foster, 2014). This data are often termed categorical and are also individual and variable such as the hair color of the people I work with. An example of qualitative data is answers to a survey of customer service of poor, fair, good, better, best. I can frequent the same eating establishment and order the same meal multiple...
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