...Assessment 4 – Essay Q: Why did the New Zealand government offer Warner Brothers incentives to film “The Hobbit” in New Zealand? Analyse how this will affect the New Zealand film industry and New Zealand society. The movie “The Hobbit”, directed and produced by New Zealand’s own Peter Jackson, is a two-part film based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel of the same name. It is a prequel to ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy. The film is being shot right here in New Zealand, but only because of our governments’ intervention. Warner Brothers were considering moving production elsewhere due to a Do Not Work order released from the International Federation of Actors. It was the fear that our tourism industry surrounding the film would be hit hard that caused a national uproar, so on 25th of October 2010, thousands of New Zealanders organised protest rallies imploring that production remained in New Zealand. It was two days later that the New Zealand government and Warner Bros executives decided to keep the Hobbit being filmed in New Zealand as originally planned. On 24th September 2010, the International Federation of Actors Do Not Work order advised members that “The producers…have refused to engage performers on union-negotiated agreements” This would subject the actors who work on the film to possible displacement from the union. This is what caused Warner Bros and New Line Cinema to consider taking production elsewhere. The New Zealand government came to an agreement between the...
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...Typing in Amharic The Amharic keyboard ( ) uses a system where the Amharic sounds are matched to the English letters (a style called “phonetic”). You can think of how a word sounds in Amharic and then type it out with English. Example: typing selam becomes ሰላም Because Amharic has more sounds than English we sometimes have to adjust this rule. For example English does not have ‘ጠ’ and the closest similar letter would be ‘t’. In this case you should type with “capital T”: Example: typing TienaysTlN becomes ጤናይስጥልኝ Notice that we used capital ‘N’ also for ‘ኝ’ and we needed both “ie” together to make the 5th ‘ጠ’ letter ‘ጤ’. When the letter you want to type does not appear when you hit the similar sounding key in English, try using the capital next. If typing the capital does not work, then try hitting the key two times: Example: typing sselam becomes ሠላም Example: typing SSeHey becomes ፀሐይ Next, when you need to type the extra letters of Amharic like ሏ, ሟ, ኴ you can do so by typing an extra vowel after a ‘u’: Example: typing mua becomes ሟ Example: typing guie becomes ጔ Finally, we must introduce a special rule for ' (apostrophe). Some words are spelt with a ሳድስ (6th) letter followed by a vowel, like ርኤ in ገብርኤል. We use the apostrophe here to type “gebr'iel” to make sure we get “ርኤ” instead of ‘ሬ’. Example: typing mel'ak becomes መልአክ Example: typing m'eeraf becomes ምዕራፍ We also use the apostrophe for Ethiopic numbers, so '1 becomes ፩ and so on. If a ' is needed in your document just...
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...ክፍል አንድ አጠቃላይ 1. መግቢያ በአብዛኛው የዓለም አገሮች ረጅም እድሜ ካላቸው የመንግስት ተቋማት አንዱ ጉምሩክ ነው:: የሰው ልጆች የማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ እድገት የመንግስት ምስረታ ደረጃ ላይ ከደረሰበት ጥንታዊ ጊዜ ጀምሮ የጉምሩክ ሚና ጎልቶ ይታይ የነበረ መሆኑን ጽሁፎች ያስረዳሉ:: መንግስታት የዕለታዊ አስተዳደራዊ ወጪያቸውን ለመሸፈን እና የመከላከያ አቅማቸውን ለመገንባት የሚያስችላቸውን ገቢ ማግኘት ይፈልጋሉ:: ለዚህ ደግሞ ዋነኛው የገቢ ምንጭ በተለያዩ የንግድ ልውውጦች ላይ ከሚጥሉት ቀረጥ ሲሆን ከመንግስት ምስረታ ጀምሮ ይህንን የመንግስት ገቢ የመሰብሰብ ዋነኛ ተግባር እንዲፈፅም ኃላፊነት የተሰጠው ለጉምሩክ ነበር:: የሰው ልጆች የዕውቀትና እድገት ደረጃ ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጨመረ ከመምጣቱ ጋር በተያያዘ የትራንስፖርትና የመገናኛ አውታሮች በከፍተኛ ደረጃ እየተስፋፋ በመምጣቱ የንግድ ልውውጦች ፈጣንና ይበልጥ ውስብስብ እንዲሆኑ አድርጓቸዋል:: ይህም በአንድ በኩል የታክስ መሠረት እንዲሰፋ በማድረግ በየጊዜው እየጨመረ የሚመጣውን የመንግስት ወጪ ሊሸፍን የሚችል ተጨማሪ ገቢ ለመሰብሰብ ያስቻለ ሲሆን& በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ የህገ ወጥ ንግድና የንግድ ማጭበርበር ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እንዲጨምር ምክንያት ሆኗል:: የህገ ወጥ ንግድ እና የንግድ ማጭበርበር ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጨመረ መምጣት በመንግስት ገቢ አሰባሰብ ላይ አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ እያሳደረ በመምጣቱ ይህን ሁኔታ ለመቀነስ ሲባል በዕቃዎች ዝውውር ላይ የተጠናከረ ቁጥጥር ለማድረግ የሚያስችል የቁጥጥር ስርዓት መዘርጋት የግድ እንዲሆን አድርጎታል:: በሌላ በኩል ቁጥጥሩን ለማጠናከር ሲባል የሚዘረጉ አሰራሮች የዕቃዎች ዝውውርን የማይገድቡ መሆኑን ማረጋገጥ ይጠይቃል:: እነዚህ ሁኔታዎች የጉምሩክ ሚና ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ ይበልጥ አስፈላጊ እና ውስብስብ እንዲሆን አድርጎታል:: የኢትዮጵያ ጉምሩክ ባለሥልጣንም ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የተቋቋመው በአፄ ሚኒሊክ ዘመነ መንግስት በ1889 ሲሆን ዓላማውም ከታሪፍ ተያያዥነት ያላቸውን ህጎች በማስፈፀም የመንግስት ገቢን መሰብሰብ እንደነበር ቀደም ሲል የወጡ ፅሁፎች ይገልፃሉ:: ባለሥልጣኑ ከተመሰረተ እ.ኢ.አ. 1889 እስከ 1923 ድረስ የፋይናንስና ግምጃ ቤት ሚኒስቴር ተብሎ በሚጠራው ከዚያም ከ1941 እስከ 1991 ድረስ በገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር ስር ተደራጅቶ የተቋቋመበትን ዓላማ ሲያስፈፅም ቆይቷል:: -1- በመጨረሻም እ.ኤ.አ. በ1997 የጉምሩክ ባለሥልጣን እንደገና ለማቋቋም አሰራሩን ለመወሰን በወጣው አዋጅ ቁጥር 60/1989 የገቢዎች ቦርድ ተብሎ በሚጠራው በኋላም በገቢዎች ሚኒስቴር ስር እንዲደራጅ የተደረገ ሲሆን የተቋቋመበትም ዋነኛ ዓለማ ከገቢና...
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...I - Giới Thiệu Như tiêu đề ạ, e xin lập hội này cho các ace tham gia. Virtualpiano.net là 1 trang web giả lập đàn piano online với các âm khá đầy đủ - Chơi đàn online http://virtualpiano.net/ - Hiện đã có phiên bản offline http://www.mediafire.com/?a83f99tuozv8m5t - FaceBook của hội https://www.facebook.com/groups/409001032477516/ Các phím đàn ứng với phím keyboarb như thế này | Ảnh đã được thu nhỏ. Vui lòng nhấn vào đây để xem kích thước thật 1024x768. | Một số bản nhạc mới nhất mà ace trọng hội thể hiện (các bản nhạc ra đời trong thời kì đầu khi hội mới thành lập ở gần cuối #2 nhé) Có khi nào rời xa - 2p42s - hoangtubot_bn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqitWK4NBdU Giấc Mơ Trưa - 1p08s - jumboo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY06hjp7lMM Do có rất nhiều người thik và cũn sd web này nên rất dễ bị Service Unavailable, khi đó mọi người chỉ việc f5 liên tục nhoé Những người tham gia hội có thể là: - Ace muốn giết tgian - Ace đang yêu đời muốn ngân nga nhạc = bàn phím - Ace muốn biểu diển hù gái chơi tại các party nhỏ - ... II - Sheet Nhạc Để cho thống nhất, từ bây h mọi người post sheet thì cố gắng tuân thủ những quy tắc sau cho dễ đọc, dễ học nhé - Mỗi nốt viết cách nhau 1 dấu cách - Hợp âm (tức là đánh liền 1 lúc) thì không cách - Hết 1 câu thì cách ra 5 dấu cách Mọi người sưu tầm đc sheet thì edit rồi mới post nhé Danh sách Sheet nhạc: 1. Beat It - Michel Jackson 2. Right here waiting - Richax Max 3. In The End (Intro) ...
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...Q.1. What sum of money will amount to Rs3704.40 in 3 years at 5% compound interest. Solution : We have, A = Rs3704.40, n = 3, r = 5%. Using A = P(1 + r/100)n , we get 3704.40 = P(1 + 5/100)3 => 370440/100 = P ×21/20×21/20×21/20 Or, P = 370440/100×20/21×20/21×20/21= 3200 Hence, required sum of money = Rs3200. [Ans.] Q.2. What sum of money will amount to Rs3630 in two years at 10% per annum compound interest? Solution : Do yourself [Ans. = Rs3,000] Q.3. Calculate the compound interest for the second year on Rs8,000 invested for 3 years at 10% p.a. Solution : Do yourself. [Ans. = Rs880.] Q.4. At what rate percent p.a. compound interest would Rs80000 amount to Rs88200 in two years, interest being compounded yearly. Also find the amount after 3 years at the above rate of compound interest. Solution : Principal = Rs80000, Amount = Rs88200, Time = 2 years, Rate = ? n = 2. Using, A = P (1 + r/100)n, we get 88200 = 80000 (1 + r/100)2 Or, (1 + r/100)2 = 88200/80000 = 441/400 Or, (1 + r/100) = 21/20 Or, r/100 = 21/20 – 1 = 1/20 Or, r = 1/20×100 = 5% Second part, P = Rs80000, Time = 3 years, n = 3, r = 5%. [Ans.] A = 80000(1 + 5/100)3 = 80000(21/20)(21/20)(21/20) = Rs92610. [Ans.] Q.5. Ramesh invests Rs. 12800 for three years at the rate of 10% per annum compound interest. Find : i. The sum due to Ramesh at the end of the first year. ii. The interest he earns for the second year. iii. The total amount due to him at the end...
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...DOWNLOAD FROM WWW.BKA.VN A. §Æt vÊn ®Ò Tõ ®¹i héi §¶ng lÇn thø III, §¶ng ta lu«n coi c«ng nghiÖp ho¸, hiÖn ®¹i ho¸ (CNH-H§H) lµ nhiÖm vô trung t©m cña thêi kú qu¸ ®é, §¶ng ta ®· x¸c ®Þnh thùc chÊt cña CNH x· héi chñ nghÜa lµ “QuyÕt t©m thùc hiÖn c¸ch m¹ng kü thuËt, thùc hiÖn ph©n c«ng míi vÒ lao ®éng x· héi lµ qu¸ tr×nh tÝch luü x· héi chñ nghÜa ®Ó kh«ng ngõng thùc hiÖn t¸i s¶n xuÊt më réng“. Thùc tiÔn lÞch sö ®· chØ râ ®Ó thñ tiªu t×nh tr¹ng l¹c hËu vÒ kinh tÕ x· héi, khai th¸c tèi u c¸c nguån lùc vµ lîi thÕ, b¶o ®¶m t¨ng trëng nhanh æn ®Þnh, níc ta ph¶i x¸c ®Þnh râ c¬ cÊu kinh tÕ hîp lý, trang thiÕt bÞ ngµy cµng hiÖn ®¹i cho c¸c ngµnh kinh tÕ. MÆt kh¸c, níc ta lµ níc ®ang ph¸t triÓn v× vËy qu¸ tr×nh Êy g¾n liÒn víi qu¸ tr×nh c«ng nghiÖp ho¸ ®Ó tõ ®ã hiÖn ®¹i ho¸ ®Êt níc. Tuy nhiªn, trong qu¸ tr×nh c«ng nghiÖp ho¸, hiÖn ®¹i ho¸ cña ta tríc ®©y do nhiÒu nguyªn nh©n trong ®ã cã nguyªn nh©n nãng véi chóng ta ®· m¾c ph¶i mét sè sai lÇm khuyÕt ®iÓm mµ ®¹i héi §¶ng lÇn thø VI vµ VII ®· v¹ch ra. ViÖc x©y dùng ®óng ®¾n nh÷ng quan ®iÓm CNH-H§H ë ViÖt Nam hiÖn nay cã vÞ trÝ rÊt quan träng ®èi víi qu¸ tr×nh CNH-H§H. Bëi x©y dùng ®Çy ®ñ c¸c quan ®iÓm CNH-H§H sÏ lµ c¬ së ®óng ®¾n cho viÖc ®Þnh híng, ®Þnh lîng chØ ®¹o vµ tæ chøc thùc hiÖn c¸c néi dung vµ c¸c bíc ®i cña CNH-H§H phï hîp víi bèi c¶nh x· héi chñ nghÜa ë níc ta. NghÞ quyÕt ®¹i héi VIII cña §¶ng ®· ®a sù nghiÖp ®æi míi lªn tÇm cao míi, ®Èy m¹nh CNH-H§H. MÆt kh¸c, CNH-H§H ®Êt níc ph¶i chøa ®ùng ®îc...
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...a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so...
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...á«Hô©dG ô°üe ájQƒ¡ªL º«∏©àdGh á«HÎdG IQGRh ÖàμdG ´É£b iOGóYE’G ådÉãdG ∞°ü∏d ∞````«dCÉJ πª÷G ø°ùM óªfi º«gGôHEG Ω 2012 - 2011 ≈°SGQódG ΩÉ©dG º«∏©àdGh á«HÎdG IQGRh êQÉN ÜÉàμdG Gòg ∫hGóàH ìô°üe ÒZ CMYK CMYK á`````eó```≤``e AÉ°SQEG ≈a ÉgQhO ,™ªàÛG ≈a ICGôŸG QhO óMCG ≈∏Y ≈Øîj ’ º∏°ùdG ≈Øa .Üô◊Gh º∏°ùdG ≈a ÉgQhO ,¬°ù°SCG â«ÑãJh ,¬ªFÉYO ¢Sô¨Jh ,áÁƒb ájƒHôJ ¢ù°SCG ≈∏Y ∫É«LC’G Å°ûæJh ôª©Jh ≈æÑJ .샪£dGh Iõ©dG º¡«a ,√QRCG øe ó°ûJ ¬d GAOQ πLôdG AGQh øe ∞≤J Üô◊G ≈ah k ä’ƒ£H ∫ÉÛG Gòg ≈a â≤≤M óbh .ô°üædG ¬d ºàj ≈àM ¬æ«©Jh .ÚØ≤ãª∏d GOGRh ,ÜÉÑ°û∏d Ihób âdGRÉe ,IódÉN k â≤°T ,äGódÉîdG ÉæFÉ°ùf øe IóFGQ Ωó≤f ÜÉàμdG Gòg ≈ah ,É¡JOGQEG Iƒbh ,É¡àÁõ©H Égó› â©æ°Uh ,ôî°üdG ≈a É¡≤jôW .(@)zQódG Iôé°T{ á°üb É¡fEG ∞``dDƒ```ªdG .AÉàdG ¿hóH zQódG ôé°T{ OQh ɪc ™LGôªdG ¢†©H ≈a AÉàdÉH zQódG Iôé°T{ º°SG OQh (@) .Qƒ°TÉY ìÉàØdGóÑY ó«©°S :Qƒàcó∏d zΩÉ°ûdGh ô°üe ≈a ∂«dɪªdGh ¿ƒ«HƒjC’G{ :™LôªdG CMYK º`````jó```````≤J ¬JÉÑdÉWh iOGóYE’G ådÉãdG ∞°üdG ÜÓW ÉæJÉæHh ÉæFÉæHCG ¤EG π˘˘Ñ˘ ofh áÁõ˘˘©˘ dG ᢢHÓ˘˘°Uh IOGQE’G Iƒ˘˘ b ó˘˘ °ùŒ ᢢ °üb º˘˘ μ˘ d Ωó˘˘ ≤˘ f ¿Éc ɪ¡e ¿É°ùfE’G 샪W ≥«≤– ≈a ∂dP ôKCG RÈJh ,¥ÓNC’G â°TÉY ób ÉÄk «°T ÉgôeCG øe ∂∏“ ’ IÉàa √ò¡a ,∫ÉæŸG Ö©°U ’h ,ájQÉ÷G ¥Q ∞≤j ⁄h ,iΰûoJh ´ÉÑoJ ájQÉL ¤hC’G É¡JÉ«M É¡aGógCG ≥«≤– ≈∏Y â∏ªY ó≤a ,É¡MƒªW ΩÉeCG ICGôŸG ∞©°V áë∏°ùàeh ,É¡Jó°T øe ºZôdÉH äÉÑ≤©dGh ÜÉ©°üdG πc IRhÉéàe iCGôdG ÉgRƒ©j øμj ⁄h .Ú∏J ’ IOGQEGh ,∞©°†J ’ áÁõ©H ,çGóMCÓd á«∏Ñ≤à°ùe ájDhQ É¡d âfÉc ó≤a ¬«dEG êÉà– ÚM ójó°ùdG â©bh GPEÉa ,∫ƒ∏◊G É¡d ™°†Jh ,É¡Yƒbh πÑb É¡H Égô©°ûà°ùJ .ádƒ¡°Sh...
Words: 32038 - Pages: 129
...RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯ZK †evW© KZ„©K 2013 wk¶vel© †_‡K beg-`kg †kªwYi cvV¨cy¯ZKi~‡c wba©vwiZ MwYZ beg-`kg †kªwY iPbvq mv‡jn gwZb W. Agj nvj`vi W. Ag~j¨ P›`ª gÊj †kL KzZzeDwÏb nvwg`v evby †eMg G. †K. Gg knx`yj-vn& †gvt kvnRvnvb wmivR m¤úv`bvq W. †gvt Ave`yj gwZb W. †gvt Avãym Qvgv` RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯ZK †evW©, XvKv RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯ZK †evW© 69-70, gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv KZ©„K cÖKvwkZ [ cÖKvkK KZ©„K me©¯^Z¡ msiw¶Z ] cix¶vg~jK ms¯‹iY cÖ_g cÖKvk : A‡±vei- 2012 cvV¨cy¯—K cÖYq‡b mgš^qK †gvt bvwmi DwÏb Kw¤cDUvi K‡¤cvR †jRvi ¯‹¨vb wjwg‡UW cÖ”Q` my`k©b evQvi myRvDj Av‡e`xb wPÎv¼b †Zvn&dv G›UvicÖvBR wWRvBb RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯ZK †evW© miKvi KZ©„K webvg~‡j¨ weZi‡Yi Rb¨ gy`ªY : cÖm½-K_v wk¶v RvZxq Rxe‡bi me©‡ZvgyLx Dbœq‡bi c~e©kZ©| Avi `ª“Z cwieZ©bkxj we‡k¦i P¨v‡jÄ †gvKv‡ejv K‡i evsjv‡`k‡K Dbœqb I mg„w×i w`‡K wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb mywkw¶Z Rbkw³| fvlv Av‡›`vjb I gyw³hy‡×i †PZbvq †`k Movi Rb¨ wk¶v_©xi Aš—wb©wnZ †gav I m¤¢vebvi cwic~Y© weKv‡k mvnvh¨ Kiv gva¨wgK wk¶vi Ab¨Zg j¶¨| GQvov cÖv_wgK ¯—‡i AwR©Z wk¶vi †gŠwjK Ávb I `¶Zv m¤cÖmvwiZ I mymsnZ Kivi gva¨‡g D”PZi wk¶vi †hvM¨ K‡i †ZvjvI G ¯—‡ii wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨| ÁvbvR©‡bi GB cÖwµqvi wfZi w`‡q wk¶v_©x‡K †`‡ki A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I cwi‡ekMZ cUf~wgi †cÖw¶‡Z `¶ I †hvM¨ bvMwiK K‡i †ZvjvI gva¨wgK wk¶vi Ab¨Zg we‡eP¨ welq| RvZxq wk¶vbxwZ-2010 Gi j¶¨ I D‡Ïk¨‡K mvg‡b †i‡L cwigvwR©Z n‡q‡Q gva¨wgK ¯—‡ii wk¶vµg| cwigvwR©Z GB wk¶vµ‡g RvZxq Av`k©, j¶¨, D‡Ïk¨ I mgKvjxb Pvwn`vi cÖwZdjb NUv‡bv n‡q‡Q, †mB...
Words: 99399 - Pages: 398
...Mathematics Classes 9-10 Chapter One Real Number Mathematics is originated from the process of expressing quantities in symbols or numbers. The history of numbers is as ancient as the history of human civilization. Greek Philosopher Aristotle According to the formal inauguration of mathematics occurs in the practice of mathematics by the sect of priest in ancient Egypt. So, the number based mathematics is the creation of about two thousand years before the birth of Christ. After that, moving from many nations and civilization, numbers and principles of numbers have gained an universal form at present. The mathematicians in India first introduce zero (0) and 10 based place value system for counting natural numbers, which is considered a milestone in describing numbers. Chinese and Indian mathematicians extended the idea zero, real numbers, negative number, integer and fractional numbers which the Arabian mathematicians accepted in the middle age. But the credit of expressing number through decimal fraction is awarded to the Muslim Mathematicians. Again they introduce first the irrational numbers in square root form as a solution of the quadratic equation in algebra in the 11th century. According to the historians, very near to 50 BC the Greek Philosophers also felt the necessity of irrational number for drawing geometric figures, especially for the square root of 2. In the 19th century European Mathematicians gave the real numbers a complete shape...
Words: 95046 - Pages: 381