...CASO PRÁCTICO: QUAKER STATE La compañía Quaker State se dedica a la producción de aceite lubricante para turismos (PCMO). Éste es un mercado muy competitivo, maduro y muy sensible al precio. En un momento dado, la compañía decide poner énfasis en la calidad de sus productos y abandonar la política de recorte de precios que sigue la competencia. Esta estrategia le hace perder cuota de mercado y disminuir significativamente sus ingresos. La situación: Quaker State se dedica principalmente a producir (mezclar y envasar), comercializar y distribuir aceites de alta calidad en el mercado, por lo que llevan a cabo agresivas campañas de publicidad y comunicación para lograr el “top of mind” en el consumidor. A parte de su fuerte apuesta por la calidad, la innovación (sobre todo en los paquetes de aditivos que usan) se convierte también en principal ventaja competitiva. Quaker State cuenta con un amplio tejido de distribución, pero a pesar de ello, en 1986 pierde el liderazgo del mercado. Aparentemente, la mayor debilidad que tiene la empresa es la gran ineficacia operativa en la producción del aceite. Puntos clave del mercado | Mercado muy competitivo, en el que los mayoristas (especialmente las grandes superficies que compran directamente al fabricante) tienen mucha capacidad de negociación y fuerzan los precios a la baja por su política de descuentos agresivos. | Los distribuidores independientes exigen precios en línea con los mayoristas para poder competir. | Costes de...
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...Apologetics Application Paper: Part 1 (Grading Rubric) [pic] Late 10% or 6 points. TOTAL SCORE Apologetics Application Paper Instructions Choose a non-Christian target audience (see below for choices). Write a paper that demonstrates a solid working knowledge of the assigned course readings and accomplishes the following: 1. Summarize the worldview of that audience by using the main worldview categories discussed in the assigned course reading. This section of the paper must be approximately 1 full page. 2. Use Groothuis’ criteria for evaluating worldviews in order to reveal the significant ways in which the selected audience’s worldview fails in providing a livable, comprehensive system. This section of the paper must be 2–3 pages. 3. Discuss how Christianity can correct the selected worldview and offer a more reasonable alternative to the challenges faced. This section of the paper must be 3–4 pages in length. 4. Develop a plan to share and defend the Christian worldview with someone in the target audience. Take into consideration at least 2 of the following: the problem of evil; 2–3 theistic arguments; defense of the resurrection of Jesus; defense of objective truth and moral values. This section of the paper must be 3–4 pages. In addition to these requirements, the paper must have a proper introduction and conclusion and must follow the structure of a standard academic essay. When including both the proper introduction and...
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...I work as a community nurse and I have recently become intrigued about one of my patients requiring treatment for a leg ulcer. For the purpose of this assignment I shall call her MA, because as a nurse and a professional I have professional and ethical duty to protect patient identities (Quacker Nursing Council [QNC]2010). My rationale for selection of topic is that Leg ulcers (LU) cost this country’s health service an estimated 200million quars per year in hospitalisation fees for those individuals who do not have health insurance (Quacker Health Board [QHB] 2012, Wilson 2010). An outline of LU is provided in Appendix One, while Appendix two provides a synopsis of MA and her LU. Community nurses are increasingly seeing patients with LU as insurers only pay for three episodes of treatment for one condition (Medins 2011). This disadvantages those patients like MA, as if they have a long term or chronic condition they may not receive treatment or care and this in turn will raise the country’s morbidity and mortality rates. In the UK the Government provides all healthcare free at the point of delivery and prevention of ill- Health and patient’s taking responsibility for managing their own illness or disease is viewed as an important Public Health Strategy ( DH 2010). In this assignment I will discuss strengths and limitations of evidence based practice (EBP),sourcing different forms of evidence which will enable me to provide the best evidence-based practice I can for my patients...
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