...literatures on customer service in the banking industry of Ghana. This chapter takes a look at the various variables that may influence important customer service amid fierce competition from the perspective of some writers and researchers. It starts with profile of the banking industry under study through to the importance and nature of the customer practices, Customer Satisfaction, Retention and Customer Loyalty, Customer Relationship Building and its practical implications for the study. THE BANKING INDUSTRY During the past decade, the financial sector in Ghana has undergone major changes mainly through the financial sector structural adjustment programme as part of the economic recovery programme. Moreover, globalisation, mergers and acquisitions, and the emergence of new technologies have contributed dramatically to stiffer competition and pressures on profitability (Amoako 2012) Before the 1950s, the number of bank accounts in Ghana was very few and what mattered most was the personal contact between the Bank Manager and his customers. There was hardly any urgent demand for information because of the low volumes of transactions. This made it possible to satisfy customers with manually kept records. Thus the majority of banking services were performed using manual operations and personal contact with customers without much information transfer and handling of customer data. As commercial activities increased and people developed more banking awareness, the volume of work...
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...Major Problems of the Banking Industry and Strategies to overcome them: A study on Bangladesh. Table of Content Topic Page# 1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.0 Review of Previous Empirical Literature------------------------------------------------4 3.0 Banking Industry in Bangladesh---------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 What is a Bank? ----------------------------------------------------------------------5 3.2 Definitions of Bank form different view -------------------------------------5 3.3 Where does the word BANK come from? ------------------------------------6 3.4 Why Banks? Why don’t go to another financial institution? -------------7 3.5 Banking System in Bangladesh---------------------------------------------------7 3.6 Banking system is very from country to country because of Following 3 reasons---------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.7 There are different kinds of financial services firms calling themselves Banks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 4.0 Major Problems Faced by Bangladeshi Banking Industry-------------------------14 4.1 Lack of Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency------------14 4.2 Low quality of asset -----------...
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...80 Int. J Latest Trends Fin. Eco. Sc. Vol-2 No. 1 March 2012 The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Banks‟ Performance and Customer Service Delivery in the Banking Industry Alhaji Abubakar Aliyu, Rosmaini Bin HJ Tasmin Department of Technology Management Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurships Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Darul Ta’zim, Johor, Malaysia hp090012@siswa.uthm.edu.my rosmaini@uthm.edu.my Abstract - Information and communication technology (ICT) has become the heart of banking sector, while banking industry is the heart of every robust economy. If it collapses so will the economy. This is absolutely evident from current recession in European banks crises, and in turn. The effect of globalization, competition and innovation in the banking industry by its providers to offer their services makes essential the understanding of how various aspects of consumer behaviour affect the innovation and respond to customer service delivery. Within this context this paper has considered a critical literature review of previous researchers with the objective to examine the impact of Information and Communication Technology on banks performance and customer service delivery. This paper also makes of a critical review of peer reviewed, scholarly and organizational literature regarding the impact of ICT on banks’ performance to examine if banks have successfully achieved effective customer’s service...
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...Factor that influence services quality in the Islamic banking system in Malaysia Student name: Tai Yen Ying Doris Student ID: Scm-014993 Course: Bachelor In Business Management Content Pages 1. Cover pages 1 2. Content 2 3. Abstract 3 4. 1.0 Introduction 3 5. 1.1 Research Background 3 6. 1.2 Problem statement 5 7. 1.3 Research Question 5 8. 1.4 Research objectives 6 9. 1.5 Significance of study 6 10. 1.6 Scope of study 7 11. 1.7 Dissertation Outline 8 12. 2.1 Introduction 8 13. 2.2 Defining topic 9 14. 2.3 Defining element in the framework 15. 2.3.1 Customer satisfaction 12 16. 2.3.2 Customer loyalty 14 17. 2.3.3 Customer perception 15 18. 2.3.4 Switching cost 16 19. 2.4 Theories 17 20. 2.5 Proposed Framework 19 21. 3.1 Introduction 20 22. 3.2 Research hypothesis 20 23. 3.3Research Equation 20 24. 3.4 Operational Definition 21 25. 3.5 Measurement 22 26. 3.6 Data collection 25 27. 3.7 Data analysis 27 28. Conclusion 28 29. References 29 Abstract This research is to determine the factors explaining the service quality in the Islamic banking system in Malaysia. Data collection...
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...critically discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the IT outsourcing function on the banking industry, and the findings will enable the CEO, CFO and COO of bank BCIB to make a decision on whether to fully outsource the IT infrastructure of their bank or otherwise. A detailed background of the importance of IT on the banking industry over the years is given to illustrate the magnitude of the decision to be made for BCIB bank, and finally a personal rationale on the whole project of outsourcing IT for a bank, exploring the underlying challenges and concerns, and how to overcome them in order to fully benefit from the function of outsourcing IT. Introduction and Background. Information Technology has become a key element in economic development and a backbone of knowledge-based economies in terms of operations, quality delivery of services and productivity of services (Oluwatolani, Joshua & Philip, 2011). Over the years, knowledge-based innovation has proved to be one of the leading competition for the dynamic economy. Organizations, industries and large corporations have embarked on the journey to invest in information technology to survive the competition and stay relevant. The banking industry has also been changing and growing remarkably. A good example is the Electronic Banking (e-banking), - IT application that has been responsible for a stiff competition in the banking industry for a while now. 20-30 years ago, when the...
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...International Journal of Techno-Management Research, Vol. 01, Issue 01, June 2013 ISSN: 2321-3744 Customer Satisfaction of Online Banking in SBI and ICICI-A Comparative Study in Pune City Dr. Priya Anand Irabatti Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune Abstract Online banking (or Internet banking) allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by their retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society. In today's demanding world, everybody needs instant banking solutions for a better lifestyle. In the current scenario, almost every bank in India has the internet banking facility. Online banking or internet banking made things much easier for the people and saves lot of time. Researches show that impact of Internet banking on cost savings, revenue growth and increased customer satisfaction on Industry is tremendous and can be a potential tool for building a sound strategy. However, it has raised many public policy issues before the banking regulators and government agencies. Interestingly, reliable and systematic information on the scope of Internet banking in Indian context is still not sufficient, particularly what it means to the consumers and the bankers. This study aims at evaluating services quality of online banking in Pune city, one of the fast growing cities of Western India. This paper mainly compares, online banking services of SBI Bank one the leading public sector bank and ICICI bank, a leading private sector...
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...Executive Summary A bank is a place, where the financial services are offered, which may include provision for retail banking, investment banking, personnel banking etc. The factors which customers consider before choosing a particular bank can be the ease of doing the business, the quality of the personnel and the service and the range of the financial services. Keeping these factors in mind, we BrainTech consulting solutions, are developing a system with E-MIS for Corporation Bank which will focus optimizing their bank branch queuing system and increasing market share in the rural sector. This report step by step, explains all the facets of the Banking MIS that is being developed by us for Corporation Bank. The stakeholders involved are the bank CEO, top management, shareholders, employees, customers and village panchayats. The issues which we would be trying to address are leveraging the large uncapitalized market in the rural sector, the decreasing number of footfalls in bank branches due to inefficient customer and queue management, low acceptance and usage of e-services provided by the banks by their customers. We have started with the explanation of the business process, then the system architecture (which includes Zachman’s architecture). Post this, we have specified the data flow which will occur and the respective characteristics of the data in discussion. We have also worked on the SMAC facet of the MIS application and explained how the social, media...
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...International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 4; April 2010 Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Application of Servqual Model K. Ravichandran College of Business Administration in Alkharj, King Saud University P O Box 165, 11942, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia E-mail: varshal2@yahoo.com B. Tamil Mani Reader, Gandhigram University Dindugul, Tamilnadu, India E-mail: dr_tamilmani@rediffmail.com S. Arun Kumar Department of Management Studies, Saranathan College of Engineering Trichy, Tamilnadu, India E-mail: arunkanthh@yahoo.co.in S. Prabhakaran College of Business Administration in Alkharj, King Saud University P O Box 165, 11942, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia E-mail: jopraba@gmail.com Abstract Financial liberalization has led to intense competitive pressures and private banks dealing in retail banking are consequently directing their strategies towards increasing service quality level which fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty through improved service quality. This article examines the influence of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction. The article concludes that increase in service quality of the banks can satisfy and develop customer satisfaction which ultimately retains valued customers. Keywords: Perceived Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Customer satisfaction 1. Introduction Private Banks dealing in retail banking Industry is consequently put into lot of pressures due towards increase in global competition. Various strategies are formulated...
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...countries, the banking sector has been the dominant element in the country’s financial system. The sector has performed the key functions of providing liquidity and payment services to the real sector and has accounted for the bulk of the financial intermediation process. Besides institutionalizing savings, the banking sector has contributed to the process of economic development by serving as a major source of credit to households, Government, business and weaker sectors of the economy like village and small scale industries and agriculture. In recent times, Indian banking industry has swiftly introduced innovative banking technologies in banking services. The current study attempts to measure and compare the effect of the introduction of new technologies through electronic-banking on the service quality, and profitability of banks, and to assess the impact of changing from the traditional means to the electronic banking on the customers and on the banks as well. The study is qualitative and quantitative in nature investigating different objectives which determine the performance of banks mainly in terms of profitability and convenience. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH The purpose of this research is to find the changes that took place in banking sector after information technology was introduced in it. The paper shows the role played by banking sector in the economy and the affect after IT took over it. It further explains the benefits and challenges of newly emerged e-banking services....
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...Introduction 1. Banking industry and financial sector Within the global banking industry, financial sector is an important part of overall global economy and is primarily composed of banking institutions, money markets and financial brokers. This sector is considered as a vital component of developed economies such as the USA, UK, Switzerland and Japan. The definition of a retail bank as described by the banking industry is that it operates within the financial institutions offering services such as adjustable rate mortgages, financial derivatives, bank credit and debit cards, electronic banking etc. Theses organizations are also regulated and controlled by industrial standards’ legislation and regulations that should be adhered to, in order to successfully operate in the industry (Bennett Kottasz, 2012). However this sector, that plays a key role in economic integrations of countries (Winder, 2013), had recently shown signs of distress mainly due to uncontrolled lending and unwarranted risk-taking activities (Habib, 2013). In addition, there had been a lack of transparency. Incidents within last decade such as Lehman Brother collapse and financial meltdown of 2008, created lots of ambiguities in understanding banks risks from imitative trading and therefore unwillingness of any bank to trade or lend to any of the bank. In particular these incidents create an uncertain situation where it is difficult to speculate which particular financial organization might unexpectedly...
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...Objective of the Study 7 1.5.2 Specific objective of the study 7 1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study 7 1.6.1 Scope of the Study 7 1.6.2 Limitation of the Study 8 1.7 Significance of the Study 8 1.8 Operational Definitions 9 1.9 Organization of the paper 9 Chapter Two ……………………………………………………………………………………...10 2 Literature Review 10 2.1 Measures of Bank Performance/Profitability 10 2.2 Factors Influencing Bank Performance/Profitability 10 2.3 The influence of Bank-specific factors on Bank Profitability 11 2.3.1 Capital Adequacy 11 2.3.2 Assets Quality 12 2.3.3 Management Efficiency: Operational Costs Efficiency 12 2.3.4 Earning ability: Diversification of Income 13 2.3.5 Liquidity 14 2.4 The Influence of Industry-specific Factors on bank profitability 14 2.4.1 Bank Size: 14 2.4.2 Market Concentration 14 2.5 The Influence of Macro-economic Factors on Profitability 15 2.5.1 Economic Growth 15 2.5.2 Inflation 15 2.6 Earlier Studies on Ethiopian Banking Industry 16 2.7 Conceptual Framework 19 Chapter Three …………………………………………………………………………………….20 3 Research Methodology 20 3.1 Research Design 20 3.2 Methods of Data Collection...
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...SUSTAINABLE BANKING -AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE Abstract ------------------------------------------------- The contribution of financial institutions including banks to sustainable development is dominant, considering the crucial role they play in financing the economic and developmental activities of the world. In this context, the urgency for banks to act as responsible corporate citizens in the society, especially in a developing country like ours, need be hardly overemphasized. Their activities should reflect their concern for human rights and environment. Since banking sector is one of the major stake holders in the Industrial sector, it can find itself faced with credit risk and liability risks. Further, environmental impact might affect the quality of assets and also rate of return of banks in the long-run. Thus the banks should go green and play an upbeat role to take environmental and ecological aspects as part of their lending principle, which would force industries to go for mandated investment for environmental management, use of appropriate technologies and management systems. This paper explores the developments of environmental concern in Indian banks, their environmental impact, and their role in the economy as a driving force for more proactive policies toward sustainable development. 1Introduction Banks and financial intuitions have played major role in the economic development of the country and most of the credit- related schemes of the government...
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...University of Jordan Faculty of Business Marketing Strategic Management The University of Jordan Faculty of Business Marketing Strategic Management Marketing Strategic Management Assignment – SWOT Analysis for Islamic International Arab Bank (IIAB) Marketing Strategic Management Assignment – SWOT Analysis for Islamic International Arab Bank (IIAB) Done by: * Dania Done by: * Dania Table of Contents Introduction 3 IIAB Strategic Statement: 3 Vision Statement: 4 Mission Statement: 4 Our Policy Statement: 4 Objective Statement: 5 Strategic Statement: 4 External Environmental Scanning: 5 Macro-Environment & PESTEL Analysis 5 Five forces framework: 7 Market segmentation & Competitor Grouping 9 External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) 10 Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) 11 Stratigic Factors Analysis Summary (SFAS) 13 Introduction The Jordanian banking sector go back to the year 1925, when the Ottoman Bank commenced its operations in the country as the first commercial bank, followed by Arab Bank in 1934 and the British Bank of the Middle East in 1949. The banking sector remained limited to these three banks until 1955, when three new commercial banks were incorporated during the period 1955 - 1960, namely, Jordan National Bank, Jordan Bank, Cairo - Amman Bank in addition to Rafidein Bank, which opened its first branch in Jordan in 1957. The banking sector did not experience any major developments during the period...
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...Total Quality Management Investigating the Effect of Total Quality Management Practices on Organizational Performance in the Jordanian Banking Sector Rawan Al-Ettayyem International Business Research Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Jaffrey Daniel (1527009) Kailash Nandan S R (1527012) Rakul (1527023) Introduction The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) practices (customer satisfaction, education and training, continuous improvement, teamwork, and top management commitment) on organizational performance (financial and non-financial) in the Jordanian banking sector. The banking sector is the largest sector in the service industry that serves the needs of different categories of people. Currently, TQM has become the new method to reinforce competitive advantages and organizational performance; it is the core of a company’s success. Many banks in Jordan have a have been implementing TQM practices. However, research efforts related to this field in Jordan are scarce and this study seeks to understand the relationship between TQM practices and organizational performance in the Jordanian banking sector. Structure of the paper The paper first briefs about the TQM practices in Jordanian banking industry. It then describes about the various other studies and researches that have been carried out in the Jordan Banking sector and the reason and results for those studies that were carried...
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...A SURVEY OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE BANKING SECTOR IN KENYA ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study Customer satisfaction within the banking institution is measured by many factors, which may or may not be quality related and is the key determinant as to whether a customer will be loyal to the baking service provider (Taylor and Baker, 1994). Satisfied customer will refer other to the same services by word of mouth. In the contrary, unsatisfied customers will seek better service elsewhere, give negative reference to the poor service provider, and blame their former service providers. Therefore, banks must aim at fostering long-term relations with their customers (File and Prince, 1992). Banks need to proposition their services from the operational to marketing aspects such as retail, business and corporate banking, insurance and investment. In order to satisfy each type of customer segments, the banks prefer to subdivide the tasks in different divisions. The Commercial bank of Africa and Barclays banks are examples of diversified banking institution which have been successful in satisfying customer needs even during current global market adjustments (Qin & Prybutok, 2009). In Kenya, customer satisfaction is a bank’s strategy for increasing revenues, since it signifies the retention of customers which is much economical than drawing new customers. There are varied views about what satisfies a customer, given...
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