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Queen Elizabeth II Research Paper

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Mya Miranda
Mr. Saleeba
Honors English IV
10 October 2017
Queen Elizabeth II Leaders are the people we look to for answers, protection, and guidance. People are told their whole lives to be a leader not a follower, but if you just take a second and think if everyone was a leader no one really would be. If everyone were to be leaders, there would be no structure, no progress, and no sense of power. Not being a leader does not make you a follower it just makes an average person. There is nothing wrong with being average because some people who should have been average became leaders and the world had to pay for it. Queen Elizabeth II is the leader of England for 65 years now. She was born April 21, 1926, was crowned June 2nd, 1953, …show more content…
(1957) Queen Elizabeth addresses the United Nations and opens the 23rd Canadian Parliament. (1969) Troubles break out in the North of Ireland. (1973) Britain joins the European Community. (1977) Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Queens accession, and (1978) the world's first test-tube baby is delivered in Oldham, Greater Manchester. (1979) Margaret Thatcher succeeds James Callaghan, becoming Britain’s first woman Prime Minister. (1981) Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer in St. Paul’s Cathedral, (1982) Britain goes to war with Argentina over control of the Falkland Islands. (1982) Pope John Paul II is first reigning pope to visit the UK. (1989) the fall of the Berlin Wall that which brings End of the 'Cold War'. (1992) Princess Anne and Mark Phillips divorce. Windsor castle suffers severe fire damage. (1994) the Opening of the Channel Tunnel between England and France. (1996) both the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Duke and Duchess of York divorce. (1997) Hong Kong reverts to China after 155 years of British rule. (1997) Diana Princess of Wales dies in Paris car crash. (2001- 2014) Fourth Afghan War brings British and Allied troops in Afghanistan. (2002) Queen Elizabeth II marks her Golden Jubilee of 50 years of rule and the deaths of Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. (2003) British and US forces invade Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein. (2006) Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 80th birthday. (2012) Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee of 60 years since her accession to the throne. (2012) Queen Elizabeth II opens the London 2012 Olympic Games. (2014) End of 4th Afghan war brings British forces to leave Afghanistan. (2015) Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest ever reigning British monarch surpassing her

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