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Query Logistics Army

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To establish detailed procedures and responsibilities for managing of supplies, property book inventory, and the command supply discipline to include reports/request within the 201st Regiment (MF) RTI “Learning Institution of Excellence”.

A-3. Responsibilities:

a. It is the responsibility of commanders, leaders, primary and sub hand receipt holders under this regiment to comply these procedures of this SOP and the references listed above. The responsibilities are command responsibility, direct responsibility, supervisory responsibility and personal responsibility.

b. Responsible for areas pertaining to all logistical operations, to include: supply and services, property management, resource management, dining facility operations, physical …show more content…
Property Management:

a. Reconcile Allowances Against Authorization Documents TDA and CTA.

(1) Receive notification of change in authorization allowances.
(2) Schedule authorization reconciliation.
(3) Queries property book unit supply – enhanced (GCSS-ARMY) for Authorization allowances.
(4) Print current authorization allowances
(5) Query Logistics Army Authorization Document System Log-TAADS for authorization and allowances.
(6) Print current authorized allowances.
(7) Compare on hand verses authorized.
(8) Annotate discrepancies on working copy of property book or authorization document.
(9) Adjust inventory and/ or authorization as required.
(10) Prepare reconciliation memorandum for commander.
(11) Obtain signature from commander.
(12) File signed copy from commander in the front of the property book and in local file.

b. Request Change for Equipment on the TDA (DA Form 4610) For Equipment (Not Authorized or Excess).

(1) Identify need to change authorization TDA.
(2) Research justification for change.
(3) Prepare DA Form 4610 for authorization.
(4) Submit DA Form 4610 with justification to FIRO.
(5) Receive approval from FIRO.
(6) File DA Form 4610 in local/electronic file.

c. Conducts Change Of Primary Hand Receipt …show more content…
(3) Verify equipment is not on requisition.
(4) Catalog items not already on requisition.
(5) Prepare requisition form as needed.
(6) Enter requisition into GCSS- ARMY.
(7) Download requisition from GCSS- ARMY.
(8) Import requisition into IMAP.
(9) File requisition in Local Electronic File

i. Process Request for Turn-In Property.

(1) Identify need or receives instructions to turn in Property on hand.
(2) Assess Property Serviceability.
(3) Inventory items.
(4) Verify Component Listing.
(5) Create Shortage Annex as required.
(6) Request Technical Inspection as required.
(7) Complete DA Form 2765-1 or DA Form 3161.
(8) Schedule turn in Appointment with the USP&FO.
(9) Dispatch vehicle.
(10) Conduct PMCS on vehicle.
(11) Load vehicle.
(12) Secure load according to regulation (potential HAZMAT).
(13) Contact local authorities as required.
(14) Transport item to USP&FO.
(15) Unload material.
(16) Inventory jointly with USP&FO.
(17) Sign and completes document.
(18) Travel back to home station.
(19) Clean and refuel vehicle.
(20) Conduct PMCS on vehicle.
(21) Return vehicle to Motor Pool.
(22) Sends turn in document to PBO.
(23) File property turn in documentation in local

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