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Quiet Kill Quotes

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Quiet Kill

“Put it on the ground.”
“What? You want me to take it out and spread it out on the ground for you?”
“Funny, funny, you get a “C” for being an idiot.”
“Then what do you mean?”
Sherlock gave the abbreviated piece of nothing the rough edge of his tongue when he said, “Listen turkey. Don’t get your knickers in a twist and all worked up about it! Just put the case down with it open.”
“I see your point. Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
“Skip all the questions and just do as I say. I’m the one who have the upper hand here,” said Gogo pointing a .357 at Sherlock.
Then the sky lit up in a flame of fire, causing Gogo to look up. Just about that time, he was surrounded and disarmed in one fell swoop. When they were about to handcuff

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