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R U There?: (


Submitted By Bongohead
Words 1568
Pages 7
R U There? :(
The Irony of Disconnected Connectivity in the Texting World
Advances in communication technology are constantly changing the landscape of human interaction. Cellular phones, text messages, and social networking sites are all tools our society now uses to stay in contact. The sheer volume of content that is now transmitted has become staggering. Recently, the evening news reported a teenager who had sent over 10,000 text messages in one month. Groups of adolescents that once gathered talking noisily, now sit quietly playing games on their cell phones or texting. Conversations are giving way to short messages that can reach someone anytime, day or night. The use of text messages allows for increased communication, but at a high price. In her article “Our Gadgets, Ourselves” Ruth Marcus describes her experience with this new world, “I am a rat, constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment." Martin is explaining her compulsion to constantly check for new messages even though they are mostly unimportant. The increasing reliance on text messages as a form of communication is transforming the idea of what it means to be present and connected in social interactions, and doing so in a negative way. The world of texting has generated an idea of ever present connectedness. It has become both a chain and a lifeline, leading to simultaneous feelings of affirmation and inescapability.
Text messaging, the ability to send short written messages via cellular phone, has become very popular in the last five years. Many people have a phone plan that includes unlimited text messages, allowing them to substitute texts for actual phone calls. For many, texting is the preferred way to communicate with their contacts; they are easy to generate and send, and can often guarantee a quick response. Sandra Baron wrote an article for the

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