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Racial Group Analysis Paper

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I have chosen the Japanese for my racial group analysis. I chose them for the sole reason that

they are the fewest in number here in the U.S. Japan was, in a way, introduced to the U.S. in the

1860’s as that is when shipping opened up for their country to bring over labor workers and

immigrants to America. In 1868, an American businessman, Eugene M. Van Reed, shipped a

large group of Japanese laborers to Hawaii to work on sugar plantations and a smaller group to

Guam for the same reason. This illegal shipment of Japanese laborers, known as the

gannenmono, noted the beginning of Japanese labor migration overseas. Luckily the U.S.

government began to cease the shipment of Japanese laborers overseas as it was seen to be

partnered with …show more content…
While you can still find packaged meat in stores, it is not a

common meal in Japan. Often times people will view Japanese as very anti-touching and

relatively prude. Now this can be true of PDA and personal relationships, however, they are

forced into tight places with other people just like any other culture. For example their trains and

daily commutes are in reality quite invasive. Another kind of stupid stereotype is that Japanese

people are still upset about WWII. To be fair both sides are always going to be pretty sore about

it, Americans have Pearl Harbor and the Japanese people have Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Most

Japanese people today are very interested in Western and American culture and are very

welcoming to others. There is also the common stereotype of Japanese people being

exceedingly more polite than most other racial groups. While it is true that they are a very polite

people, they aren’t more so than any other racial group. When it come down to it they are just

as polite as everyone else. There are several racial slurs describing Japanese people,

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