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Egyptian Art Research Paper

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Ancient Egyptian art is over 5000 years old. It has lasted generation through generation. Their art was a very important aspect of their lives and it was often expressed through colorful paintings and detailed sculptures. It was very symbolic and interesting to look at; its purpose was to keep their history alive. A lot of their artwork was for spiritual purposes only. That being said, most of the artwork and sculptures were actually never meant to be seen by anyone but the gods. These beautiful works of art were used to benefit the deceased in which the art was for. Statues were places where the spirit could dwell which is why they would fill their tombs up with as many statues and paintings as they could. They would go through all this trouble just for one person to have a good after life. Early Egyptian art had a very distinct style. The artists of this era all carefully followed the popular trends of representing humans, gods, and animals in a kind of disproportional way. Gods and humans were notably different in artwork. You could tell because of the way the gods dress verses …show more content…
This was so that the painting and carving was neat and straight. The next step is to carve. There were two main types of tomb carving techniques: raised relief and sunk relief. Sunk relief was a lot more popular because of the fact that it’s a lot easier to do. It involves carving straight into the rock. Raised relief was performed on good quality frock for richer people. It was a lot more time consuming because you had to cut away the surface around the figure so that it was raised above the background. Raised relief could have more derails than sunk relief. After carving, it was time to paint. They primarily used red for flesh, black for hair, and white for clothes. Next they added background color around the figures. Last of all, they added details and texts with

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