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A Million Ways To Die In The West Film Analysis

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The movie that I decided to watch was A Million Ways To Die In The West by Seth MacFarland.
He is the creator of Family guy and Ted. I watched this movie March, 27th, 2017. The main characters of this movie are Seth MacFarland, Amanda Seyfried, Neil Patrick Harris, Charlize
Theron, Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, and Sarah Silverman. This comedy is about when Albert
(MacFarlane) loses his girlfriend (Amanda) to his mustached nemesis Neil, a mysterious and beautiful woman Charlize rides into town and turns his luck around. But when her notorious outlaw husband Liam arrives seeking revenge, Albert must put his newfound courage to the test.

In Chapter four public and private self was discussed, in the movie Albert perceived himself …show more content…
They assume that only men should know how to shoot a gun and woman should not. So when Albert was at the county fair he was challenged to a shooting game
, when it was his turn he did horribly and everyone laughed. When Charlize joined in the game because Albert was being laughed at she shot a perfect game, and all jaws dropped. Again this is an example of gender stereotype, because Albert is a man they perceived him to be great at shooting a gun, and Charlize being a female they were not expecting the outcome that came along with that. I also noticed when Albert first met Charlize he self disclosed information about his ex girlfriend to her, and it resulted in them having a friendship with her, although it could have been a bad thing it worked in his favor.. In another incident Charlize was talking to her husband and he said “act like a wife should” and Charlize response was “oh my god I am the luckiest woman in the west” but her nonverbal read otherwise. She was clearly being sarcastic and her nonverbals gave it all away. Albert walked up to his ex girlfriend Amanda and claims
Charlize to be his new girlfriend all for identity management. So he misrepresented himself

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