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Racial Stereotype Essay

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I am a white guy. I do all of the “white” activities: swimming, tennis, academic teams, etc. But why are these “white” activities? In this instance, they are simply because I called them so. There is no part of swimming, or of tennis, that is inherently Caucasian. So what do we do when we call these sports and clubs white? We lose sight of their purpose: entertainment and an opportunity to showcase skill. My TEDtalk is on the impact of racial association encouraging the perpetuation of stereotypes.

Earlier this year, I was given the honor of serving as my high school’s representative on the school district’s annual Race Relations Forum. Our group was purposely assembled to represent a wide variety of races, genders, and economic backgrounds. The most pleasant part of the forum was that, in general, we all agreed on the topics presented. But as the audience continued to ask questions, I began to notice a trend. Every question we were asked presented issues of race, not issues of humanity. It appeared that every question had the same subtext: “How do you interpret the issues between white and black people?”

These questions surprised me because I was fortunate enough to have been raised in a family that refuses to see race. Until …show more content…
As long as we treat the issue as whites oppressing blacks, we will always have those that view whites as oppressive and blacks as oppressed. Is race an issue here? Of course! Racism is an issue that has been and continues to be a problem. But can we approach the true problem, the issue of brutality and murder, as long as we view it as black and white? Never. For this reason, I wish to give a TEDtalk on prioritizing issues with respect to race. Will racial issues go away if we ignore them? No. But will it help if we approach the issue from a human perspective rather than a racial one? I believe it would be a great leap

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