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Racism In Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of HuckBerry Finn stories by Mark Twain said, “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn’t do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d a knowed it would make him feel that way.” In today’s society, most people think racism doesn’t exist anymore. Well, that’s a tall tale that’s been told for a couple years now. For some reason, there are still people out there who want to hurt, abuse and mistreat individuals from other races. Racism is a part of human nature, and it will always exist; let’s just face it. History proves that prior to the advent of capitalism, racism was a systemic …show more content…
It’s a liberal idea of racism that comes from some individuals bad ideas, and if we can remove these ideas, we could get rid of the term. With crimes rising related to racial hatred, America can use a diversity training system that can help today’s society restrain the racial issues we still face today. The origin of Racism comes from slavery, and it has commonly been assumed that racism is as old as human culture itself. Human beings have been around, and the argument goes, that other individuals have always had hatred or feared people of different nations or and their skin color. Racism will always be a part of human nature. Now, attempts for fighting racism can have two good approaches, and that is having social activists and …show more content…
Just recently a black man had been pulled over for a broken tall light but, the police officer didn’t stop him! The police officer caught up with the black male (Walter Scott) to talk to him about the broken light. the police officer was going to arrest him, but Mr. Scott start running, well instead of the police officer running and chasing him down, the officer pulled out his gun and shot him nine times in three different areas the head, back and legs. Now, when the police officer was in court he stated that the Scott had a weapon. In court, someone provided a video of the incident with the officer and Scott. It showed how the man ran but, didn’t pull out any weapons on the officer, and also how the officer had pulled a second gun and threw it down toward Scott’s body. Many, individuals stated that it was racial profiling because, the police officer was white and the suspect was black. Why do we as society and the news make everything racial and misleading to viewers? Because racism will always be a major part in our culture, and it will not go away when others feel they have to throw the word out there every time there is issues with white and black

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