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Rainsford's Character In The Most Dangerous Game

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Imagine a carnivore stranded alone in an uninhabited, fruit abundant island, void of animals. In order to survive the carnivore must adopt a herbivores diet.
Much like the carnivore, Sanger Rainsford, the main character in Richard Connell's Most Dangerous Game, experience is a change in character after surviving a life-threatening situation.
Rainsford is a hunter who is forced to participate in a manhunt, as the prey, undergoes a change in character.

At the beginning of the story, Rainsford shows no sympathy for the animals. In the story, when he says, "you're a big game hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares have a jaguar feels?"(page 3) He is showing his lack of empathy for animals. All his life Rainsford has been the hunter, not the hunted, and has no knowledge of the fear experienced by his prey. It also shows that he has never taken the time to think about the animals when he makes the "philosopher" comment. Rainsford also makes the claim that "I'm a hunter, not a murderer"( page 12) when the general invites Rainsford to go hunting with. Is the plot to still unfolding …show more content…
One instance is "Then he felt a sudden impulse to cry aloud with joy for he heard the sharp crackle of branches as the cover of the pit gave way; he heard the sharp scream of pain as the pointed stakes found their mark" (page 19). This shows that his statement of him being a hunter not a murderer isn't entirely true. At the end of the story he does commit murder when he pushes General Zaroff out the window. Rainsford begins to associate with his prey when he says "it was then that Rainsford knew the full meaning of terror"( page 17). Earlier in the story, Rainsford claimed not to care for his preys feelings, but now he knows how the prey feels. Also as the tables turn Rainsford begins to act more like a "huntie" as he calls his prey. As the story progresses Rainsford begins to show more empathy for

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