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Ralph Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The boys form a democratic government upon their arrival. The democracy begins and rules of the islands started to form. But the dreadful events that take place leave them to the total opposite of democracy. Piggy and Ralph start to establish order after the plane crash has set things in disarray. After Ralph calls a meeting by blowing the conch, he tries to convince the kids that there are no adults on the island and at this time Ralph lays down rules that must be followed in order to survive on the island. First, when someone wishes to speak at an assembly he must hold the conch shell. No one is allowed to interrupt the holder of the conch except Ralph. Ralph shows his leadership abilities as he recognizes the use of the conch. He says“That’s what this shell’s called. I'll give the conch to the next person to …show more content…
By saying everyone is allowed to hold the conch he is treating everyone equally. By saying “I'll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking” shows social order. This idea of having a person with the conch to speak made it easier to talk. With giving everyone an equal chance and treating them fairly, This evidence reveals that Ralph as a good democracy leader. The Democracy government did not rule the island for a very long time. As a result of the Island slowly started to be under control of a dictator.The conch begins to symbolize the organization of society and the rules that such a society must uphold to function. Jack who was total opposite to this didn't always agree to Ralph. When the group was gathered to create fire, Jack was always against Piggy’s words and disobeyed him as well. Since Piggy represents civility, he was excepted everyone to follow the rules. Jack, against Piggy's protest, grabs his specs to light the fire with and soon it is blazing. Piggy comments that the effort was wasted because the fire produced little smoke. Jack begins arguing with

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