...Using the SQ3R Study Method A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. Why use a study method? Perhaps you have noticed recently that everyone, especially in the news media, is talking about something called the information revolution. This term refers to some profound changes that have affected most aspects of our lives and that have been caused by computers. In the workplace, information technology has caused many work organizations to completely restructure themselves. Electronic data interchange has helped companies closely link themselves with their customers and their suppliers. Computers have made mass production obsolete by giving manufacturers the ability to customize the product exactly the way the individual customer wants it. (Look for the big auto manufacturers to have Websites soon where you choose nearly every feature on your car, apply for a loan to buy it, and then specify where it will be delivered, all without having to go to the showroom.) Computers have also automated many jobs, including those of many middle managers. The result of this has been fewer levels of management in large organizations and higher productivity in the production facility. For most products, the cost of the goods on store shelves has dropped dramatically over the last ten years. But this explosion of information technology has its challenges in the workplace, too. Because of it the pace of change has increased. Work organizations find that they must continually adapt as technology progresses...
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...How to write a Literature Review: Step 1: Read a lot. Sounds simplistic, but the fact is that you do have to read a lot, and read with care and purpose. There are things that you can do within the process to make your life easier, and the purpose of this short document is to point some of them out. Hopefully, this will help. However, there is no substitute for good, thorough, and hard work. When you start your reading, start broadly. If you have an area you are interested in, such as computers in education, multi-media, distance education, web-based instruction, or some other specific concentration, start your reading in those areas. Course assigned reading will help, but you will have to branch outwards and inwards. Don’t be afraid to follow an area that seems not to be related to your area. You are trying to define your interests. Allow yourself the freedom to do that. Here are some tips on how you might branch out, and/or focus in: A. Look carefully at the references. Should the author raise a salient point that interests you and they happen to cite somebody, look up the citation and read the original source. The original source will have its own references, follow these. Repeat as necessary. B. Read from tangentially related fields. Don’t be afraid to look outside of the literature in IT to other areas. Educational Psychology, Human Resources, Computer Science, and Communications Studies are but a few of the related fields with important information...
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...任何公司都应该送给客户,特别是银行、保险、电信、汽车、房地产 任何亲朋都应该送给好友,只要你真心喜欢他/她,关心他/她 任何国家都应该送给百姓,因为藏富于民,才能繁荣昌盛 I Believe……有什么比“我相信……”更重要呢? 【作者简介】 乔治·寒缪尔·克拉森,1874年11月7日出生于美国密苏里洲的路易斯安娜市,他曾进入内布拉斯加州立大学就读,当美西战争爆发期间,他在美军服役。后来他在科罗拉多州的丹佛创立了克拉森地图公司,从而开始了长期的出版生涯,并出版了美国及加拿大第一本公路图册。1926年,他出版了一系列以古巴比伦为背景,用寓言体方式讲述了关于节俭和成功理财的小册子来解释他的每一个观点。这些小册子在银行业及保险业发行量极大,并很快成为数百万人耳熟能详的著作。后来这些小册子被集结在《巴比伦富翁的理财课》一书中出版面世,这本永恒不巧的作品已经影响了万千上万人的生活,而这些“巴比伦寓言”也因此成为了一本现代成功励志的经典名著。 【内容提要】 不计其数的读者已经从这些著名的“巴比伦寓言”中获得了帮助。在所有以节俭、理财计划和个人财富为主题的励志著作中,它被公认为最伟大的一本书。 它的语言就和我们阅读圣经时一样简洁明了,这些奇妙迷人的和富含信息的故事,使你在喜悦相伴的同时将带向一条通往繁荣富足的确认之路。作为广为称颂的现代经典之作,这本著名的畅销书为你的个人理财问题提供了理解和解决方案,将引领你穿越整个人生。 这本书揭示了如何获得金钱,保存金钱以及用金钱赚取更多金钱的全部秘密。 《巴比伦富翁的理财课》 巴比伦富翁的理财课 作者:克拉森 前言 大约12年前,伯父从美国回来时送给了我这本英文书,并一本正经地嘱我Read it over and over(翻来覆去地反复读),还唾沫四溅地大声号称会Change my life(改变我的人生)。看着他红脖子涨脸,又碍于情面,便装模作样地保证遵命。私底下草草地翻阅了不到一半,才第一次明白了什么叫做大失所望。于是,果断而明智地盖棺定论:死板老调,滑稽可笑!因为我当时研究生刚毕业两年,正踌躇满志,还稍微有点儿春风得意,如此这般的一本“小儿科”,与我的雄心大略相比,简直是笑死人了。 中文版序 英文版序 关于本书的赞誉(1) 关于本书的赞誉(2) 第一部分 来自诺丁汉大学的两封信 今天的人们如果能够穿越时空隧道,去追溯人类最为遥远的文明,那么令人叹为观止的“巴比伦(Babylon)王国”就会赫然跃入你的眼帘,给人无穷的悸羡和遐想……历史上的巴比伦的确是一座令人神往的古城,它位于幼发拉底河(Euphrate)和底格里斯河(Tigris)的交汇处。早在公元前1890年左右,阿摩利人就以巴比伦为都城,建立了古巴比伦王国。在古巴比伦最出色的国王汉谟拉比(Hammurabi)死后,巴比伦不断受到外族的进攻,历经了500多年的战乱,直到公元前7世纪末,才在尼布甲尼撒(Nebuchadnezzar)的领导下,建立了新巴比伦王国。 第1节 发现巴比伦的繁荣与荣耀 第2节 第一封信(1) 第3节 第一封信(2) 第4节 第二封信 第二部分 奴隶和自由人的灵魂 当一个人越饿的时候,他的神志也许就越清醒,也就越容易嗅出食物的味道。阿祖尔(Azure)的儿子塔卡德现在肯定就这么认为。因为他已经整整两天没有吃什么东西了,只吃了两颗从别人花园里偷偷摘下来的小无花果。他还来不及再多摘一颗,就被气急败坏冲...
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...3-12 Reading Strategies 3-12 Reading Strategies __________________________________________________________________________________ VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 VPRojas@aol.com 3-12 Reading Strategies Anticipation Guides (Barton & Heidema, 2000) - Anticipation guides have two columns labeled ‘me’ and ‘text.’ Before reading the text, students place a check next to any statement with which they agree. After reading the text, students compare their opinions with information contained in the text. Examples: An example for a math anticipation guide on statistics might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. There are several kinds of averages for a set of data. 2. The mode is the middle number in a set of data. 3. Range tells how far apart numbers in a data set can be. 4. Outliers are always ignored. 5. Averages are always given as percentages. An example for a science anticipation guide on matter might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matter is made up of elements. An element is made up of many different atoms. An element is the same thing as a compound. Most compounds are made up of molecules. Elements are represented by chemical symbols. Check Those Facts! (Stephens & Brown, 2005) - This strategy serves a dual purpose: to help students become better judges of internet information and to allow students to explore an area of interest related to...
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...GUESS PAPER MOCK Time Allowed: 60 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATE 1. This booklet contains 100 questions in all comprising the following 3 parts: Part - (I): REASONING APTITUDE (35 Question) Part – (II): QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (35 Question) Part – (III): ENGLISH LANGUAGE (30 Question) 2. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 3. Before you start to answer the question you must check up this booklet and ensure that it contains all the pages and see that no page is missing or replaced. If you find any defect in this booklet, you must get it replaced immediately. 4. The paper carries negative marking. 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. 5. You will be supplied the Answer-sheet separately by the invigilator. You must complete the details of Name, Roll number, Test Id and name of the examination on the Answer-Sheet carefully before you actually start answering the questions. You must also put your signature on the Answer-Sheet at the prescribed place. These instructions must be fully complied with, failing which, your Answer-Sheet will not be evaluated and you will be awarded ‘ZERO’ mark. 6. Answer must be shown by completely blackening the corresponding circles on the Answer-Sheet against the relevant question number by HB pencil or Black/ blue ball pen only. 7. A machine will read the coded information in the OMR Answer-Sheet. In case the information...
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...big savers. If that means putting an object into mars orbit with a budget lesser than that of a Hollywood movie, then so be it. #MOM #ISRO #Mangalyaan A great success.Congratulations to all Indians . Hats off to ISRO . This will surely motivate Students to go for speace research . Loved this tweet of Mangalayaan > ISRO's mars orbiter : "Howdy @MarsCuriosity?keep in touch.I'll be aroun In a tragic incident, a young man was killed by a white tiger at the Delhi Zoo after he fell into the enclosure while trying to take a photo. SPORTS TRENDING: * Roger Federer to lead the Indian Aces in the inaugural IPTL. Read more:http://iexp.in/uWQ113924 #Tennis * Abhinav Bindra ends career with two medals at #AsianGames2014 Read more: http://iexp.in/tGs113925 * Kolkata Knight Riders team is more like a family says bowling coachWasim Akram Home Page Read more: http://iexp.in/OwD113928.cltwenty20 #KKR BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court quashes allocation of 214 coal blocks out of 218 allotted since 1993. All coal blocks cancelled, except Govt run non-JV allotments. The prosperity of Gujarati Muslims has made them vulnerable to the attacks of rioters and added to their misery. Muslims in Gujarat and West Bengal - http://bit.ly/1CgkbMc India Community Digest Hearty congrats to ISRO scientists and everyone involved in the Mangalyaan mission. It has successfully entered the Martian orbit making India the first nation ... See More Narendra Modi In Bengaluru. I thank everyone for...
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...Assessment Centre > Introduction | Assessment Centre has a variety of definitions and these are based on its methodology of assessing a candidate’s performance and aptitude. Trained Assessors observe a group of candidates performing a variety of aptitude diagnostic procedures which provide specific information on the abilities and developmental capacity of each applicant. An Assessment Centre is actually a process applicants take part in and is not specific to any one location. Its popularity is also evident in staff growth plans where it is usually known as a Development Centre. These procedures are designed to ensure employee investment is maximised for both the organisation and the individual. Whilst the general process is very similar to Assessment Centres the subtle difference is that at a Development Centre you will be given feedback immediately and work with the assessor to agree a future plan. Many organisations use the expertise of an HR consultant to design the exercises to meet their specific role requirements and then to conduct the actual testing and assessment of candidates. These services come with a significant cost and that is why you will increasing face testing through an Assessment Centre as you apply for higher-level strategic and technical roles. The length of an Assessment Centre will vary from half-a-day to two full days and may be held on the employer’s premises, often within their own training facilities or on the premises of the organisations Human...
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...critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, and the ability to adapt to change are emphasized. Course Prerequisites: Junior standing. Required Text: Understanding Management, sixth ed. By Daft & Marcic. South-Western, 2009. Please bring your textbook to class every day as we will be completing exercises from the text during class time. Students have access to an on-line library through CengageNow. Course policies: 1. Class attendance and participation in discussion of exercises, current events and chapter topics is expected and taken into account when grades are calculated. NOTE: Physical attendance does not constitute participation! Only discussion counts! Chapters, cases and exercises should be read prior to class. Be prepared to participate or be called upon. 2. Absences are frowned upon. Since we only have 16 class periods, missing more than ONE class, may affect your final...
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...Kerry Jackson Essay 2 Teens and concussions Concussion and children, not a good combination, but it happens. This page talks about avoiding the boredom that comes with the rest while in concussion recovery, your continued good health may depend upon it stay away from blows to the head in sports. The United States of America concussion rates are high in sports; statistics show that there was a 62 percent increase over the last decade in children under the age of 19 suffering serious head injuries while playing sports and engaging in other physical activities. Teenagers are suffering more from concussions and brain disease then an adult or child. To start off, as most people know concussion talk in the sports media is very high. High school-age athletes are more likely than younger kids to have sports-related concussions, but the rate of such injuries in both groups is on the rise, a new U.S. study suggests. From 1997 to 2007, emergency department visits for concussion in kids aged eight to 13 playing organized sports doubled, and the number of visits increased by more than 200 percent in older teens. (American Academy of Pediatrics). According toThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that teens have higher risk of getting a concussion. Currently, the only way we can lower these rates is if teens don’t start football at a young age. In addition, American sports have shown that head injuries such as concussions are common for teens...
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...ABC COMPLETE KITCHEN INC. WORKFORCE PLANNING As according to Beach, Human Resource Planning is a process of determining and assuming that the organization will have adequate number of qualified persons, available at the proper times, performing job which meet the needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction for the individuals involved. The company required 500 Employees in peak season. It includes all the category of people Regular Employees Hourly wages Employees Executives WORKFORCE PLANNING PROCESS The process of workforce planning consists of following steps 1. Organizational Plans First of all, it is important to analysis all the department of ABC Complete Kitchen Inc. It includes the analysis of technology, production, marketing, finance and suppliers. It will gives the idea about the volume of future work activity. 2. Forecasting demand for human resource - After figuring out about the number of activities, it is important to identify the number of candidates and skill level will be required on each process. WORKFORCE PLANNING PROCESS - After 3. Forecasting Supply of human resource nalyzing the number of (aContd.)required sources needsemployees in each category, the number of to be identified for full filling the positions as per the level of positions, market and the industrial and legal norms. 4. Estimating manpower gap - Manpower planning includes a plan that has number of provision of full filling ...
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...Transfer pricing is the set of mechanisms which is used to attach prices to goods or services which are traded between two divisions of the same company. The classic example involves one division (the “selling division”, or “SD”) which produces a component which is required by another division (the “buying division”, or “BD”). The component is used by the BD in the manufacture of a product which it sells on the open market. In case all of this sounds a bit abstract, let’s consider a simple example of a company in which the SD manufactures car engines and the BD manufactures cars. A couple of things are obvious: 1. The BD needs the output of the SD, because the BD needs car engines in order to make cars. Alternatively, the BD may be able to buy engines from an external supplier if, for example, the BD and SD cannot agree on a transfer price for the engines. 2. The SD can sell its output either to the BD or to external customers (in this case, these external customers would be other car manufacturers, many of which would be only too happy to buy in a ready-made engine). The transfer price represents a source of revenue to the SD, and a cost to the BD. Therefore, there is potential for inter-divisional conflict (or at least a need for inter-divisional negotiations) since the SD will want to maximize the transfer price while the BD will want to minimize it. When we are preparing the Profit and Loss Account of the company as a whole, the transfer price is neither a cost nor a...
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...Vision of Beauty Rafi Hossain Years ago there were a large number of beauty salons and Chinese restaurants, most them run by Chinese expatriates. Over time these businesses were gradually taken over by local entrepreneurs and the industry flourished. One such prominent salon is Persona, owned by beautician-entrepreneur, Kaniz Almas Khan. Noticing her success, I approached her about the possibility of her working with Insight. She asked me how. I proposed that she might conduct beauty workshops outside Dhaka, in some of the districts all over Bangladesh. In these workshops she could teach her beauty techniques to students, many of who could take it up as a profession. Our Reader's Club would certainly help in any way to make this possible. I was certain that by doing this she would change many people's lives. Many of her students would take this up as a profession and earn a living through these skills. She accepted immediately. She asked me to let her know when and where, and she would go. This was how it started; she became an ambassador for Star Insight. Over a thousand people now work with her. I asked her to tell me something about some of these people. “Many different types of people work for me,” she said. “Many tribal girls work as beauticians. They are really interested in the field, and make up a good part of the industry. Other areas such as management are predominately staffed by locals.” “We also have a group of acid survivors working for us,” she...
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...University of Phoenix Material Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Cardiovascular Health Complete the table below for 2 diseases that you have chosen that affects cardiovascular health. In each box, you are required to list 3-5 bulleted statements regarding the heading of that box. Cite your sources using APA format. This section is due in Week Three. Chosen Cardiovascular Disease or Disorder | Treatment Modalities | Cultural Beliefs/Practices Affecting this Disease | Epidemiological Statistics | Available Consumer Resources(ex. financing, information, support) | Impact on Society | Heart failure | * Getting to and staying at a healthy weight * Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet * avoiding secondhand smoke. | * Heart failure is not for strong men * Heart failure only affect older people * Heart failure is for the weak(myth) | * More than 5.8 million adults in the USA are living with heart failure * Heart failure affects more men than women, and its prevalence greatly increases with advancing age * Heat failure increased from 90 to 121 per 1,000 between 1994 and 2003 | * Cdc.gov * American heart association * | * Heart failure generates high medical resource consumption. * Heart Failure affects 6-10% of people over the age of 65 * Individual with heart failure are likely not to see their loved ones | *coronary artery diseases | * Quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand...
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...Organize and outline your viewpoint on an issue, formally inform others of your position as a foundation to build resolution to difficult problems. Present a unique, though biased, solution or a unique approach to solving a problem. Frame the discussion in order to define the "playing field." This can put you in an advantageous position with those who may not be so well prepared as regards the issues behind their positions. Establish your credibility, Here you are demonstrating that you have a command of the issues and the research behind them, and can present them clearly. Let your passion be demonstrated in the force of your argument rather than in the use of emotional terms. Guide you in being consistent in maintaining your position in negotiation. The better prepared you are the more disadvantaged are your opponents and more likely they will defer to you. Format should be consistent with guidelines determined by the sponsoring organization or committee Include topic, date, purpose, etc., and should readily identify you as the author. If the paper represents a group, organization, committee, do not write in the first person (not I, my, mine, etc. but rather we, our, etc.) Limit yourself to two pages following the format established by previous successful position papers. Develop supporting evidence for both sides including factual knowledge, statistical evidence, authoritative testimony. Identify the issues and prejudices keeping in mind your audience. List these as appropriate...
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...glkslgm Lmbzd'mbb'boknlvubsdvasncvbb vvvvvsovisiuvhnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''bv'vnnv'vn 'sbv'b sv v' sb abv'a ;cv;acbac .cbc jvb;bz.xxbvjasnzv, bnvdshdf'hasnfzd v'nas' v dnaviasonv avn'sb,m dzvndvn ,z v'adv snvav 'n v 'dv as/ndsv ds vkdnsvm dz vds v l nvlknzdl nbksidjvvbdn bvjkbjb'boknlvubsdvasncvbb vvvvvsovisiuvhnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''bv'vnnv'vn 'sbv'b sv v' sb abv'a ;cv;acbac .cbc jvb;bz.xxbvjasnzv, bnvdshdf'hasnfzd v'nas' v dnaviasonv avn'sb,m dzvndvn ,z v'adv snvav 'n v 'dv as/ndsv ds vkdnsvm dz vds v l nvlknzdlb'boknlvubsdvasncvbb vvvvvsovisiuvhnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''bv'vnnv'vn 'sbv'b sv v' sb abv'a ;cv;acbac .cbc jvb;bz.xxbvjasnzv, bnvdshdf'hasnfzd v'nas' v dnaviasonv avn'sb,m dzvndvn ,z v'adv snvav 'n v 'dv as/ndsv ds vkdnsvm dz vds v l nvlknzdlb'boknlvubsdvasncvbb vvvvvsovisiuvhnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''bv'vnnv'vn 'sbv'b sv v' sb abv'a ;cv;acbac .cbc jvb;bz.xxbvjasnzv, bnvdshdf'hasnfzd v'nas' v dnaviasonv avn'sb,m dzvndvn ,z v'adv snvav 'n v 'dv as/ndsv ds vkdnsvm dz vds v l nvlknzdlb'boknlvubsdvasncvbb vvvvvsovisiuvhnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
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