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Reagan Rhetorical Essay

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Reagan Rhetorical On June 24, 1985, Regan was asked by the Kennedy family to make a speech on behalf of the Kennedy Fundraising event for the presidential library. The Museum, founded in 1979, was dedicated to President Kennedy's achievements. In Reagan's tribute speech to Kennedy, he uses metaphor, repetition, and anecdote to persuade close family, friends, and supporters of JFK to donate to the library, to preserve his legacy. Kennedy was known to be a very patriotic individual, who impacted our country tremendously while representing our country, as president. Kennedy was often portrayed in a positive light by the people, always kind and brave. However, they needed more funding to run the Museum to honor his leadership and Reagan's goal overall was to get this support from …show more content…
The repetition of yet builds this motivation even more because it would shape people's prescription of JFK to be more of this amazing individual as he's described. Regan uses an anecdote to pull off a comforting feeling from the audience. He states, He loved history and approached it as both romantic and realist. He could quote Stephen Vincent Benet, General Lee's army, this brief memory he has of JFK gives the audience a sense of emotional connection to JFK. His friends and family could still obtain the image of his character and who he was as a person. His reading of Stephen Vincent gracefully, not only shows that he was a good person, but, it shows that he was an intelligent person. JFK cared enough to know his history, he was a philosophical man who cared about education and our country. Adding this anecdote makes JFK seem reliable and someone you can depend on. His character can be diminished in a positive light. Therefore, it supports the author's argument that such an incredible man had a place in history that needs to be kept alive. h. To sum everything

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